Questions tagged [slug]

part of a URL that makes it more human readable or SEO-friendly, but without necessarily being required by the web server.

A slug is a part of a URL that makes it more human readable or SEO-friendly, but without necessarily being required by the web server. Slugs can be generated from a page title and are typically the last part of the url.


  • Page Title: c# - What's the difference between String and string? - Stack Overflow
  • Slug: whats-the-difference-between-string-and-string

The full URL including the slug is Note that punctuation in the url is typically removed.

1108 questions
1 answer

order of matching regex in named group urls in django

I'm making a blogging website with django. I'm making use of slug to identify a particular article. I'm making these blogs for 3 different fields namely sketches, cakes, and rangolis. But the problem here is, the regex of slug for urls of these…
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Redirect seo-friendly URLs (htaccess)

I have a script that generates seo-friendly URLs like: or So it is generate like this scheme: song_TITLE-OF-SONG_RANDOMID.html How can I get…
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Wordpress Remove Slug From Url

How can I remove the slug from url. I could make this one; I couldnt work this; is is usually all methods not working on multi lang site.
1 answer

How do create a link from a database in Django?

If you have a blog model in Django that saves a slug, how do you create an href link from that slug field?
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How to use http.HandleFunc with slugs

I am working on a Go project. When I try to use slugs with http.HandleFunc I get a "404 page not found error". When I take the slug out my routing works again. In main I have: http.HandleFunc("/products/feedback/{slug}", AddFeedbackHandler) Which…
Emmett P
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1 answer

Django url unique url open

I use django 1.10.5. I have a problem with open unique url, views: entry = get_object_or_404(Post, slug=slug) model field: slug = models.SlugField(editable=False) i need to detect slug with identical string, for example i have slug xyz and xYz i…
Random User
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2 answers

SYMFONY2 Sluggable minimal configuration

I installed StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle identical with that link. In contrast, page renders very slowly, because about 5 minutes. I you need only sluggable funcionality in the user entity (FOSUSERBUNDLE). I think it schould work faster without…
Darek MST
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1 answer

Is it a good practice to use acronyms of words in slug urls for seo?

I have to write a slug url for an article where the title is United States of America. As a good practice for seo, should I leave as it is for the slug url (united-states-of-america) or USA to shorten?
Giacomo Sarrocco
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1 answer

How to rename/change a custom post type slug/url?

I have a WP site with a custom post type called "lists", so when I do a post the url created is: I want to change it for: How can i do it? Thanks in advance.
1 answer

What does slug mean here?

function your_function_name() { wp_enqueue_style('my-script-slug', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/your_style.css'); } I saw that on the forum but what is "my-script-slug", what should i write here ? I don't understand... Thanks !
Thomas Gueguen
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1 answer

Symfony 2 Slug null

I've got a problem with doctrine bundle. Here's my code : config.yml stof_doctrine_extensions: orm: default: sluggable: true AppKernel new Stof\DoctrineExtensionsBundle\StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle(), Entity : /** * @var string * *…
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1 answer

woocommerce category URL vs wordpress page URL - taxonomy?

I am using woocommerce 2.4.1 on a self-hosted wordpress 4.3.1 install. I have WP static pages displaying WC subcategory products. I would like to have these pages be somehow inline with the WC category tree. For example: I have the following…
2 answers

using a 301 redirect to maintain SEO

I'm currently using freindly_id gem in a rails application to slug URLs and make them look nice. So rather than the URL #root/cities/1234 they are #root/cities/#cityname We are looking to change the cityname part of the URL to something else and it…
2 answers

I want to make Blog Url of PHP seo friendly without using slug

I am developing a website in core php with custom cms. I am facing problem while making the blog url's seo friendly. My Url is of this type and I want the url like websitename/blog/title If I fix it through htaccess file, that will be static…
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1 answer

Url Slug should be localized?

I am creating a multilingual website in which I am using URL Slug. According to SEO point of view should I use URL Slug in multiple languages?
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