Questions tagged [sliders]

99 questions
1 answer

Swift Sliders - fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value (lldb)

I'm new to Swift and I was making a basic app that changes the text of a lable with the text in an inputbox and I wanted to add RGB sliders to change the color of the lable that will be changed but I got an errors soon as I try to move a…
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Bootstrap 4 slider text only testimonals

I am trying to create just a testimonial sliders in Bootstrap 4 which will be using custom post types in WordPress but I am struggling to just get the slider to work. So my question to you is, how do I just have the text in the carousel? When I…
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panel box work on local host but not on github

So I have created this project for my Show and for some reason I created a panel box that works fine on my local host but not after I hosted it on Github. Here is my source-code:
Nam Vu
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Chart.js with slider bar

Trying to include slider bars with Chart.js. I tried to follow the code the sgrillion posted but could not get it to work properly. I also wanted to add tooltip to slider handle. Is there another way of accomplishing this without loosing the…
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Adding additional sliders in matplotlib

I am trying to create a third slider to control my plot. fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, bottom=0.25) l, = plt.plot(u,v, lw=1, color='red') plt.axis([-20, 20, -20,20]) amp_slider_ax = fig.add_axes([0.25, 0.15, 0.65, 0.03],…
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Impossibility to index some plt.text within a slider

I want to create a plot where there is 2 subplots : a cone plus a plane, and the volume corresponding when I move the plan height thanks to the slider. I would like to implement a text that changes every time I change the value of the slider. Now,…
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How to make the following sliders for a RGB program

I need make a program like a RGB selector, i have the sliders(sliderR, sliderG, sliderB) in my window, but i don't know how make that the sliders change the color instantly, the only i have is the following sliders code: …
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Sliders work in d3.js v3 but not in v4

I have some sliders that work okay in "" but not in "">. Can anyone suggest how to make this work in version 4? Snapshot in version 3: Following are my codes:
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JSXGraph : How to create sliders outside of the box

I am using the JSXGraph library for an application. I know how to use the default sliders that come with the library. However, what I'd like to know is how to use my own sliders that I created and that lie outside of the board to be linked to the…
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How to move or set a d3.js slider handle

I have a d3.js slider handle that I need to move to appropriate tick mark when a calculation is performed on click event. Right now, this is how it looks on page load: Then I perform a calculation using a javascript which results in this…
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The best way to edit slider images and links

I have a slider in the index page, which has 3 pictures and this pictures has links. What is the best way to change pictures and links: make db table sliders: id pic link and work with it, or make in config->settings.php something like…
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Creating and using a new Brush or color using sliders and dependency properties in C#

I'm working on a project which is a basic WPF "Paint" app. I have three options, draw an Ellipse, draw a Line, or draw a 'shape' (a line where closed sections are filled in). These three options are represented with radio buttons. I have up to this…
Chris V.
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swiper api - how to stop a slide from overscrolling

I am using the iDangerous Swiper. By default if you touch and drag the first slide to the right, it allows you to kind of force it to the right, similar to how an iphone browser works, where it is kind of elastic and it only lets you drag a little.…
William Howley
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What is the proper way to set values to a Slider Input? (Protractor Automation)

I have this slider input in html code: (Sorry about this being an image, I do not have access to the code for the page, I just have to test it). And I'm trying this code: this.maxdivedepth = function (value) { var slider =…
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Navigation and bx sliders not working

I am working on a site where when you click on the specific navigation at the top, the slice below changes the information inside of it. The information inside of this slice is a featured video and a side slider to switch out that featured video,…