Questions tagged [slave]

281 questions
1 answer

Setting up a slave with Solr 4.3.1

My out-of-the-box Solr 4.3.1 does not recognize the trailing /replication at the end of masterUrl in the slave setting. Here's the relevant part of my solrconfig.xml on the slave:
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How can i take my mysql database into Master Slave configuration for data backup and separation of inserts and selects

I have a huge database almost 5M records and its growing at a high speed. I have a Query for report generation which joins 4 tables and the time it takes is not pretty. I want to replicate my database on a slave instance and separate inserts and…
0 answers

Jenkins Slave Nodes Won't Start

I have a simple Jenkins job set up and for some reason certain computers in the office are having trouble connecting as slave nodes. -One computer connects fine, no issues. -One connects using java web start then immediately disconnects -One tries…
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How to write data to multiple Bluetooth LE slaves simultaneously on CoreBluetooth?

I am new to this. I am trying to work on an iOS application where i can to exchange data to multiple Bluetooth LE slaves. I am able to connect and read from the multiple slaves. But the problem is i can only write (sound buzzer) to only one of them…
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Mysql replication :: Error (duplicate entry) on slave with right query

I've a master and slave (different machines) and got the slave stopped with one duplicate entry error. If I run the query that causes the error (I can see that query via SHOW SLAVE STATUS) on the slave (when the replication is stopped) there is no…
Felipe Alonso
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SQL ERROR [mysql] Conflicting Read Lock [1223]

I've a master-slave configuration in MySQL. Now I need to create a table, so I execute FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; on the master database, after, I'm trying to execute CREATE TABLE... but it doesn't work. I get: Error "Can't execute the query…
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Error during Master to Master Replication of MySQL server

I have setup Master to Master Replication on MySQL server 5.2 with my existing database. I am sucessfully able to replicate data of my Master 1 to Master 2 with the user named as replication. But I am getting error from Master 1 when I try to…
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Setup Master for builds on Jenkins

I moved jenkins from one server to another and while most things seem to be working I can no longer build on master. When I run a job on master no bash profile is sourced so I'm missing all my paths. To debug, I setup a slave with the same…
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MySQL replication system

I'd use replication on a big structure. I would know if doing a INSERT on a master will wait for the data to be replicated on all the servers or will end after putting the data on the server the request was run on and then run the replication in…
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How do hosts find the DNS slave server when master is down?

Imagine there are two zones in one network, zone A and Zone B. host1 and host2 are both in zone A. host1 is the dns authoritative server for zone A and host2 is the dns authoritative server for zone B. host1 is configured as the dns slave server for…
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Laravel - How to do DB Connection to Slave Database

as the title above, I need to do connection to slave database (for some reason)... But I cannot find how to do it? . Below is my database config: 'mysql' => [ 'read' => [ 'host' => env('DB_SLAVE', ''), 'port' =>…
Syamsoul Azrien
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