Questions tagged [slack]

Slack is a proprietary cloud-based team collaboration tool.

Slack is a proprietary cloud-based team collaboration tool.

2474 questions
2 answers

Slack incoming webhook: Request header field Content-type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response

I try to post a slack message via the fetch API in a browser: fetch('', { method: 'post', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*', 'Content-type': 'application/json' }, …
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2 answers

How to detect a string and replace with a URL in a user-generated message

New at Slack programming and, admittedly, it's been a while since I've developed much of anything. I'm looking for direction on how to automatically convert any ticket # posted by anyone in any channel and convert it to a deep link into our…
Jeff Gilbert
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3 answers

Open URL in browser from Message Button using Slack API

I am sending the users a slack message with a button through a Slack App. On every click of the button, I generate a new URL. At the moment, I am able to return the URL back as a message. The user clicks on the message to open the URL in the…
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1 answer

Read-only Slack channel

Is it possible to configure a Slack channel to be public but read-only for all and only e.g. Jenkins user can write messages in it? (Apologies if it is off-topic for SO)
Radek Skokan
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2 answers

Posting an image with slack API

I'm attempting to post an image w/the slack API. I have two APIs open (using python) currently, which is rtm & slackbot. sc = SlackClient(API_KEY) sc.api_call('chat.postMessages', channel=, text=) #post as…
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3 answers

How to access Slack's Interactive Message request payload parameter?

I would like to access the payload parameter sent by Slack to Interactive Message Request Url when a user clicks on a button in one of these messages. How do I do this?
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6 answers

Slack API: Retrieve all member emails from a slack channel

Given the name of a slack channel, is there a way to retrieve a list of emails of all the members in that channel? I tried looking in the slack api docs but couldn't find the method I need to make this happen (
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1 answer

How to mention @channel(All the team members) using slack api while post message

I want to post a message in slack using api. How can I mention all the team members of a channel just like @channel in slack?
Maherin Gandhi
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2 answers

Is a Slack channel id unique across teams?

Is a Slack channel/group/im/mpim id unique across different teams? In other words, can two teams have channels with the same id? I read the docs, searched on Google and here on SO, but could not get confirmation if channel IDs are unique or not.
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3 answers

How to integrate Apache Airflow with slack?

could someone please give me step by step manual on how to connect Apache Airflow to Slack workspace. I created webhook to my channel and what should I do with it next ? Kind regards
Clyde Barrow
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2 answers

Dialogflow Slack integration app_mention not working

I was successfully able to integrate Dialogflow chatbot as an APP in Slack and it is accessible to chat using the APP tab. However, for it to respond to messages in channels by mentioning like @bot hello I realized that I have to add the app_mention…
Seif Sgayer
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2 answers

How to set a Slack reminder only to notify a subset of the people in the channel

I need to set up a reminder in a channel, but this reminder should not send a notification to all the people in the channel but only to a particular subset. I tried what shown below. /reminder @user1 @user2 @user3 A message every 30 days But when…
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1 answer

Restrict slack-slash command access

I have automated the deployments in Jenkins from slack by slash commands. I need give permission for slash commands or restrict the slash command access only to particular users (i.e) some members in the channel can deploy the dev environment by…
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4 answers

Jenkins / Slack integration

I need to configure Jenkins to send notification on our Slack channel #builds. I configured the Jenkins CI integration in Slack. As a result, I have a token "abcdefgh666", and when I expand the "Setup instructions", I can see our team domain is…
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3 answers

channel_not_found exception while sending the message through incoming webhook

Am using incoming webhooks to send messages, however am overiding the channelID to send to particular channel(as mentioned in here: by using something like this { "channel": "#my_channel", "text": "This…
prabhakar Reddy G
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