Questions tagged [skeleton-css-boilerplate]

A collection of CSS files intended to help developers build sites for any form factor on any device

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160 questions
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How to create UI framework agnostic Website/Application

I started using UI framework when I was first introduced to skeleton to help with responsive behavior and stuff. Then I moved to Bootstrap as I felt it offered little more than skeleton. Now I like Zurb's Foundation and its features. What stops me…
0 answers

Isotope Issue: Layers stuck when change device orientation (iPad iPhone)

I am using responsive SKELETON framework with Isotope but when I view the page on the ipad and changing the device orientation the isotope stuck and overlay on each other until i refresh or filter it . I tried this Isotope Issue: Layers stuck when…
2 answers

How to setup nested grid with Skeleton

I want to add a grid of images and content in the main content area of my website page. I have a basic two column template, and I want to place the grid in the large content area. Everything works fine, but as soon as I resize to portrait I loose…
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Skeleton equal height columns

Skeleton uses float:left and display:inline for all columns. I need to make my columns equal height but still maintain the float:left and display:inline so they behave as expected when browser window resizes. Any idea?
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5 answers

How can I add padding to the container in the Skeleton Framework?

I'm using the Skeleton Framework ( and I want a page that has a background color and a white container page. If I add .container {padding:0 10px;} the layout breaks when resizing the window for small devices. Hopefully I'm…
Chris Farrugia
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How do I change the order of elements and control flow in responsive css

I'm using skeleton and here is the responsive layout that I want: mobile layout - Title, Image, Description all in one column stack desktop layout - The title and description to the right of the image How should I structure the html and css so that…
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is there any javascript library to implement responsive design without media-queries

Which of exist UI frameworks provide full responsive design tools on non-modern browsers? I tried Bootstrap and Skeleton with no success because their heavily usage of media-query which has not support on old browsers like IE-7
1 answer

Isotope Issue: Layers stuck when resizing (responsive)

I am trying to combine the responsive SKELETON framework with Isotope, but so far I am running into a problem: some of the columns stay stuck, when I resize the browser (especially if I minimize, then maximize the browser). It works if I set the…
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Meteor Error: Couldn't parse .. um .. some HTML file, on some line. sorry

I'm new to handlebars and Meteor, and I'm trying to implement Skeleton with a new project. However, when I drop the default Skeleton code into a fresh Meteor project I get the following error: Exception while bundling application: Error: Couldn't…
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Skeleton: A simple, floating, responsive navigation bar

I am trying to create a simple, floating and responsive navigation bar while using Skeleton boilerplate. It should be nothing more than a logo align to the left of container and a few menu anchor links aligned to the right. Position of it should be…
1 answer

List view algin horizontal CSS for mobile

I have list of data which i am binding using Knockoutjs,Now comes for CSS part, i need to align it horizontal.I am not much good in CSS.I have three images and username so i want to align it in Horizontal for my Mobile app below is my code kindly…
kitty sarvaj
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How to vertically and horizontally center two images inside a div on a responsive page

I'm using Skeleton and Normalize css. I want to center two images side by side vertically and horizontally inside the div container. When the page becomes narrower, I want the 2nd image at the bottom of the first image as below Normal width: img1…
2 answers

How to create fixed sidebar with Skeleton CSS?

This question was asked about a few years ago with no acceptable answers. I would like to know if things have changed and it is now possible to use Skeleton CSS with a fixed, responsive sidebar. Preferably without the need for Javascript. My HTML is…
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Centering text vertically

I'm working on a site that is going to look like this: I'm struggling to align this text within the center of the box like this: This is what I have so far: @font-face { font-family: 'Trend Sans 004'; /*a name to be used later*/ src:…
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2 answers

Full height with skeleton boilerplate

I am trying to make every section tag have a height of 100%, but it does not work. Here is my html code:

Basic Page

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