Questions tagged [simpleadapter]

SimpleAdapter is a basic Android adapter which can be used to map static data to views in a xml layout.

A SimpleAdapter expects that the data supplied to be in the form of a List of Maps, where each Map represents the data for one row. The SimpleAdapter is a limited adapter by default, it will only bind data to an ImageView or TextView, for any other views the user must either use a ViewBinder or override the adapter's default behavior. More can be found in the documentation of the SimpleAdapter.

334 questions
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Casting issue while filtering using adapter, How to fix it?

An exception occured during performFiltering()! java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to java.lang.String my code is this adapter = new SimpleAdapter( getActivity(), contactList, …
Mayank Kushwaha
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Why do I have java.lang.NullPointerException at multiple libraries in Android in trying to Parse JSON

I am trying to parse a JSON format in my Android Application. I am fairly new in developing android applications so I am referring to a lot of tutorials. I followed the steps in this tutorial :…
1 answer

load image using picaso into hashmap and display using simpleadapter

i want to load image using picaso into hashmap and display using simpleadapter in uicircular imageview. As this list is displaying text + circularImages. And data is comming in json format. I want to know how to do this.
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The simpleAdapter shows an error in the constructor

I am with a problem in my code . I tried many things in this code , However it does not fix . In the end the error is described. It is something related with constructor. package com.example.test; import…
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Deleting item from ListView deletes some another item from SQLite database

If I delete an item from listView suppose item_no = 5, then some another item gets deleted from database whose id is not 5. Here is my code. My database class TRDBHelper.class //Get single reminder Cursor getReminder(int id){ SQLiteDatabase db…
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Can't wirte getView in my SimpleAdapter in Fragment

I have a fragment with a AsyncTask in which I do a parsing Json. To put every element in a list I use a SimpleAdapter. In my item list I have a button. Of course, if I want click on the button I need to create a getView. Well not works. This is the…
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Getting row data from database and retrieving it in Android

I am working on a project that has many tables and a table contains multiple rows. How can I get data from database and show it using a SimpleAdapter? I have tried using a cursor but I am only getting the last row value stored in the database. When…
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SimpleAdapter with layout and SQLite crashing on startup Android

Im trying to make an app in android with an list! well im getting the data i want from my database and now im trying to put in in an listview i tried following an tutorial and that worked. now im building an app for myself and my app crashes on…
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how to display multiple list objects using simplelist adapter in android

this is not working i would like to append the second SimpleAdapter over the 1st SimpleAdapter. but , it is getting overwritted and only the second list is being displayed. I want to display both in a single list with different list format for each…
1 answer

ArrayList> get values

Help getting values from ArrayList data = new ArrayList>(); for (int i = 0; i < marks.length; i++) { HashMap m = new HashMap(); m.put("title", marks[i].getUserName()); m.put("mark",…
2 answers

Using Custom Font on simple adapter getting error, What is the error?

I'm new in android... I want to have custom font in my android project, so I put my code base on this tutorials. I want to use my custom font in and some xml element My question is: -Is there something wrong in my code? -Is there any…
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Android: simple adapter null pointer

I have an app that I want to retrieve data from my server with PHP Json and get method , I use simple adapter and Json downloader and json parser for this app , I have problem with my simple adapter to show my data in my listView , When I run my…
2 answers

How to bold a section of a string in Java on an Android ListView?

I am passing the string via an ArrayList Hashmap. My code is as follows; Adapter1 = new SimpleAdapter(getBaseContext(), myList, R.layout.content, new String[]{ "TA", "IA"}, new int[]{,}); …
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Did I connect my Listview to simpleadapter?

Can someone fix it? Can someone tells me that why the compiler doesn't allow me to do that? I watch this from online tutorial.
Josiah Wu
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1 answer

Create ArrayAdapter from SimpleAdapter

I created a simpleadapter with an HashMap to retrieve json datas. It works but i would create an ArrayAdapter instead. This is the simple adapter with json parsing: @Override protected void onPostExecute(JSONObject json) { …
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