Questions tagged [shake]

An effect or gesture of rapid vibration. For example, shaking dialog box, shaking cell phone.

An effect or gesture of rapid vibration. For example, shaking dialog box, shaking cell phone.

272 questions
1 answer

horizontal and vertical shake count using accelerometer in iPhone/iPad

I want to count number of shake horizontally and vertically, I have referred to UIAcceleration I have also referred to Motion Events But couldn't come up with better approach. Any kind of help is highly appreciated , code , reference, or any…
Kshitiz Ghimire
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4 answers

How to invoke Ajax based on phone shake?

I am trying to make my first web application for mobile devices. Is it possible to capture the "shake event" on android? I was looking on jquery moble library but there is no shake event or accelerometer events. Is it possible to have a Ajax call…
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2 answers

How to stop the UITextField from responding to the shake gesture?

By default, if you shake the iPhone while entering text in a UITextField, a little box will appear asking if you want to undo typing. How can I prevent this from happening? I looked through the UITextField, UITextFieldDelegate, and UITextInputTraits…
Jesse Beder
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2 answers

Node back to Position after TranslateTransition in JavaFX (shake TextField)

After a wrong insert i want to shake a Textfield. For that i have code a static shake animation public static void shake(Node node) { TranslateTransition tt = new TranslateTransition(Duration.millis(50), node); tt.setByX(10f); …
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2 answers

Container height change makes children shake in safari

I created this effect on the top image , it sticks to the top while scrolling and hide... this is the the site: The site so it works great on chrome , firefox but in safari the image inside the container shakes, i tried with float left , also tried…
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2 answers

Shakin' things up

I have a little app here, and I would love to be able to do my own stuff in Vista/Win7 when I shake the form. Currently, when a form is shaken, it will restore/minimize everything else. But I want to change that behavior in my app only. So when my…
1 answer

Can I Increase Vector Precision in THREE.js?

In THREE.js, I occasionally find myself wishing for better control over vector precision, especially when working with large floats, such as in a solar system. Is there any way to do this? In the linked example, I'm building a simple solar system…
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1 answer

Detect shake event in app background iOS7

This was always impossible in iOS6 and below however with the new multitasking API's etc in iOS7 I was wondering if it has become possible. I am developing an app that is for personal security... The user needs to be able to trigger an "an" inside…
Taylor Abernethy Newman
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2 answers

How to stop accelerometer sensor

I am using exactly this code in this example!-How-to-detect-shake-motion-on-Android-phone.aspx What should i include in MyMethod() to stop the listener and don`t wait for another…
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3 answers

jQuery UI shake effect starts on new line

On the jsfiddle link provided below, I have a paragraph with text, and then an input box. I use jQuery UI to shake the input box, but bizarrely the shake effect starts one line below the text.
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3 answers

Ionic how to open your app with shake when you app is in the background?

I am building an emergency app, and one of the features is to open the app on shake, now I understand that app must be in the background running. and I am using cordova-background-mode and cordova shake and the everything works, however when the…
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1 answer

How to programatically alter "x-delta" of an Animation instance?

Let's say we want an animation that horizontally "shakes" a view. We do something like this: Java: private void shakeView(final View v) { v.clearAnimation(); Animation animShake = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this,…
Nerdy Bunz
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2 answers

iphone - easy way to have that press -> delete effects? or move -> relocate view effect?

On iphone's home, you can press and hold on one app for 2 secs, then everyone is shaking and waiting to be delete or relocate. How can I have this in my own view? press & hold on somewhere and every subview is shaking press & hold on somewhere so…
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3 answers

detect Shake in android

I am trying to hit an API when user shake a device 10 times. I have tried many git sample and stack overflow solution but non of them did solve my problem. Some of them detecting shake before 10 times or after 10 times. I have tried Seiamic and…
Umesh Saraswat
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7 answers

how can we avoid the shake when we hover over an element and set its font to be bold

How can we avoid the shake when we hover over an element and set its font to show bold? Here is a sample of the code I wrote: Is there a technique to avoid the shaking? Suppose I hover on LogOff, the font goes bold, but…
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