Questions tagged [sfspeechrecognizer]

Use this tag for iOS 10+ Speech framework's main class SFSpeechRecognizer.

109 questions
1 answer

How to detect two different kind permission

I have a detecting permission code for firtly microphone and then speechrecognation for open new view. But the code below created error like " This application is modifying the autolayout engine from a background thread after the engine was accessed…
1 answer

How to record in real time the audio sounds and then play them with the in-built speakers or headphones in iOS Swift?

I want to build an iOS app using AVAudioRecorder and AVAudioPlayer simoultaneously. Something like a megaphone that records in real time voices and sounds in the ambient and play them all in real time, without any type of sound processing. I want to…
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1 answer

Access to samples of speech recognized signal in C#?

How can i get acces to samples of signal that is processed by speechRecognitionEngine? [C#] private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SpeechRecognitionEngine engine = new…
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1 answer

offline voice input in ios app

Now i am developing ios app with speech to text using SFSpeechRecognizer. It works well when internet is connected.But when no internet connection its not working as expected.Is there any way to implement speech to text functionality in…
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