Questions tagged [sf]

The motivation behind the `sf` package is to provide a complete, standardized implementation of simple features in R, with links to GDAL, GEOS and Proj.4. There is a also for spatial R questions.

sf is a new R package for handling and analyzing spatial data in R. While various R packages are available that provide classes and methods for spatial data (e.g. sp, rgdal and rgeos), sf, which is developed by Edzer Pebesma and others, is intended to gradually replace the well known sp package. The motivation behind this package is to provide a complete, standardized implementation of simple features in R, with links to GDAL, GEOS and Proj.4.

1040 questions
1 answer

Finding differences in projections in R and projections in ArcMap

My current issue is creating an R program or function which creates a dataframe projection from latitude and longitude points to NAD-1983 2011 StatePlane Pennsylvania South FIPS - 3702 data. Currently, I've hit a snag. Here is the input data I've…
Lou Klein
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2 answers

How do I move the center of map in EPSG 4326

I have Australia, and Samoa and other Oceania territories in a map. If I plot this with EPSG 4326 proj4string: "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 + no_defs" The points fall into the outer edges of the map. This is silly, the islands are close to each other…
Roel Hogervorst
  • 257
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1 answer

Identifying maximum/minimum coordinates of polygon/owin edge [R]

I am working with a polygon, and would like to identify the outermost point of the polygon (in my case it is in owin (spatstat) format but can be converted to any of the spatial formats. For example here is my polygon: How would I go about…
1 answer

How to optimize this R script to use the minimum CPU and Memory possible

I built this R script that generate a map and a background tiles, the problem is, I need to run it on PowerBI service, which has a very constrained resources (Ram and CPU), I attached a reproducible example This example works fine in PowerBI…
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1 answer

Remove rows from dataframe where specific column is missing data

I am trying to use a dataframe and the sf library to take some coordinates from a list of events and turn it into a shapefile to map. Some of the rows are missing lat/long and when I am using the st_as_sf function, it fails because of missing…
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