Questions tagged [serializable]

Serialization is the process of converting a data structure or object state into a format that can be stored. The `SerializableAttribute` is a .NET Framework attribute that signifies the object is serializable. The `Serializable` Java marker interface indicates that an object can be serialized using standard JVM serialization mechanisms. Other languages and frameworks have similar abstract classes or attributes.

Serialization is the process of converting a data structure or object state into a format that can be stored.

The SerializableAttribute is a .NET Framework attribute that signifies the object is serializable. Other languages and frameworks have similar abstract classes or attributes.

The Serializable Java marker interface indicates that an object can be serialized using standard JVM serialization mechanisms.

Other uses of this tag should probably use .

854 questions
1 answer

Difference between Serializable, Parcelable in Android

1].What is the difference between Serializable, Parcelable? 2].Can I implement Both Interfaces in Pojo Class?,If answer is No,what is the reason for that?
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Wicket JDBC dao NotSerializableException when called on AjaxEventBehavior Click

So I'm having an issue writing to the db on click. On click: I am calling an API, grabbing the data, and writing to a DB table. I'm getting a NotSerializableException exception and I believe it to be because I'm calling the dao in the click: …
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2 answers

Proper way of passing Object from Activity to Activity using Serializable?

I am trying to pass an object from one activity to another , my object is custom class of java and already implements serializable. the main problem , i can't find a proper way to achieve it. all answers from other questions on stackoverflow of…
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How to compile a serializable object at runtime using C# CSharpCodeProvider and BinaryFormatter

So, I have the following code as text: using digitracktest.DigiTrack.CoreLogic; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Script.Serialization; using…
5 answers

Serializable save game function not working

I am trying to save a game state with no success. public void saveGame(){ board = GameBoard.this; try ( OutputStream file = new FileOutputStream(board); <---- error in this line OutputStream buffer = new BufferedOutputStream(file); …
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Android passing ArrayList within Intent
I know that there are 2 ways to do this, Parcelable and Serializable. Another method (a bad one) is static variables. An entry of that list can be instance of class A or class B. I tried passing the list using Parcelable and Serializable with no…
Hamzeh Soboh
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How to make a Java class with non-primitive objects save state of those objects while serializing

I have a class that implements Serializable and has a following structure: public class WorkWishesForm implements Serializable { //================================================================================ // Переменные …
Denis Kutlubaev
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Serializable inner-class

I was trying to figure out why my code is throwing a " writing aborted; core.FlightOrder$FlightTicket" exception. I have class declared as: public class FlightOrder implements…
1 answer serialization of system objects?

I am working with sending objects over network. I have it working with custom objects just fine but my question is can I serialize system objects? For example I want to serialize the System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface object on one…
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java serialVersionUID not works as I needed

I am developing an application that have some params as config data. I wrote a swing app and declare a class as ConfigClass.I add configuration params fields to this class and store it by serializable implementation to a file. During read and write,…
Moh Tarvirdi
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3 answers

how can we have a serializable object?

I have a question that for example I have a GameStartegy class that has 53 fields and the type of all is one interface for example Strategy and one of these fields are Date and the will be initialized when we create an object,how can i create a…
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How should ISerializable object store binary data?

I have a reference type which contains raw image data in unmanaged memory. It's clear how to store the metadata (width, height) using SerializationInfo, but what is the best way to store a BLOB? The only thing I can see is using…
Ben Voigt
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GAMEPROGRAMMING Client/Server communication through .... ? (JAVA)

I have a general question about programming the client/server communication on a network game. I use TCP as protocol, and the communication ... works, but I'm not sure, if it is a efficient way. In general , actions that happen on the client-side…
2 answers

AsyncTask android error when closing the program after

i am developing an android news reader apps. I have a AsyncTask that implements Serializable, so that i can save instance. I use it to handle the app refresh when rotating my phone. It work, when i rotate my apps, the task still running. but when…
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Easiest way to send non-serialized objects through webservices c#

Could someone give me recommendations on which would be the easiest way to send objects through webservices (back and forth through the client-side and server-side) on C# without the client-side knowing the definition of the objects to send.
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