Questions tagged [selenium-grid2]

Selenium-Grid allows you run Selenium tests on different machines, running various operating systems, against different browsers in parallel. It allows for running your tests in a distributed test execution environment.

Selenium-Grid allows you run Selenium tests on different machines, running various operating systems, against different browsers in parallel. It allows for running your tests in a distributed test execution environment.

Selenium-Grid 2.0 is the latest release. It is quite different from version 1 of Selenium-Grid. In 2.0 Selenium-Grid was merged with the Selenium-RC server. Now, you only need to download a single .jar file to get the remote Selenium-RC-Server and Selenium-Grid all in one package.

Grid allows you to :

  • scale by distributing tests on several machines (parallel execution )
  • manage multiple environments from a central point, making it easy to run the tests against a vast combination of browsers / OS.
  • minimize the maintenance time for the grid by allowing you to implement custom hooks to leverage virtual infrastructure for instance.

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170 questions
0 answers

Do WATIN support Selenium GRID Concepts?

I am trying to launch IE through Remote Web Driver and then attaching it to Watin. Since some controls are not been identified by Web Driver, so i switched to watin and it works well. but in Grid Concept am not sure whether it would support, i cant…
2 answers

FirefoxWebdriver on remote machines

Is it required to install the Firefox web driver on the remote machines acting as node or hub? I tested the hub and nodes locally? I think, it is necessary to install the web driver on the hub and node. Any comments or suggestions? Update: Selenium…
1 answer

Is there a way to cancel running tests in Selenium Grid?

We have a setup where we have implemented our UI tests in Java using Selenium. The test runner is JUnit and we use maven for building. What we would like to achieve in our continuous integration is that we just use the (surefire) test goal of maven…
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Getting pop-up error "Netscape.cfg/AutoConfig failed" when trying to drive firefox via selenium Grid using Watir-Webdriver

Get Error: Netscape.cfg/AutoConfig failed. Please contact your system administrator. Error: defaultPref failed: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED) [nsIPrefBranch.setBoolPref]" nsresult: "0x8000ffff…
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1 answer

Running Hub and Nodes remotely on Windows without a user logged into the machine

Selenium GRID2 is setup with a hub and three nodes (VMs Windows). All the config files are set and I start the services with a couple batch files executed on each machine. Once everything is started up it works great. When the remotely connected…
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How can i test multiple Browsers in one Watir Script using test-unit gem

So this is not about running multiple browsers in parallel. Its the sequentially running IE11, then IE10, then FireFox, ALL of them on different Virtual Machines Connected to Selenium Grid2. Here is what i have, running ONE browser on ONE VM. File:…
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Selenium Grid 2 from mac hub to windows node

I am setting up selenium grid to be able to test IE in a Virtual Machine. I am running into: geb.driver.DriverCreationException: failed to create driver from callback which generally means the driver is not being found. I'm pointing it to the…
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Selenium Grid - Connecting Linux server and Windows/Mac machine

We have a Continuous Integration, setup (Jenkins) on a Linux Server, CentOS 6, No GUI. I have Setup a New job for Regression tests on this server too. The framework used is Java, Selenium WD, JUnit and Ant. Test run fine on Headless browser config…
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2 answers

how do I quit a web driver session after the code has finished executing?

We're using Selenium's Python bindings at work. Occasionally I forget to put the call to WebDriver.quit() in a finally clause, or the tear down for a test. Something bad happens, an exception is thrown, and the session is abandoned and stuck as "in…
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1 answer

Specifying Windows Versions (or Specific Machines) in Selenium Grid

I'm setting up a Selenium Grid in order to cover a test matrix that needs to comprehensively cover the following combinations: Three servers (windows server 2003, 2008, and 2012) that provide identical services and ten clients (of flavors XP, win7,…
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Running a simple test in selenium grid 2 using ruby

I am new to selenium. I just wanted to use grid2 on a project. As of now, I have setup a hub a.a.a.a:4444 and I have registerd a node b.b.b.b:5555 I see the following on the grid console…
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How do I remotely run selenium tests on a win xp?

I have a .NET selenium project that is run daily to test our web application. So it has come to our attention that some of our users still use IE8 and IE7 and are not willing to upgrade. I can't install old IE on my development environment since I…
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Selenium Grid2 and Junit:Need suggestion regarding moving existing automation project to selenium grid for parallel execution

In my current project, we have already developed test scripts with junit framework. We have used all sort of locators methods which includes xpath as well.Now we have to do parallel execution on IE8,IE9 and FF21.We implemented grid2 with junit but…
0 answers

Selenium grid2 plugin --display switch

I am trying to run a firefox node on ubuntu 12.04. I have 5 x sessions running. If I run the command firefox --display=:1 everything works and I can vnc on to the desktop and see firefox running. Next I have created a plugin for selenium grid2…
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