Questions tagged [scrollable]

A scrollable control affords the user the ability to slide text, images or video across a monitor or display, usually to conserve screen real estate.

516 questions
1 answer

expand scrollable ttk.notebook in python3 / gui tkinter

coding a scrollable frame with a ttk.notebook inside works. But the scrollbar / notebook has a fixed size. How can I change it? from tkinter import Canvas, Scrollbar, Button, Tk from tkinter.ttk import Frame, Notebook class…
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How to make JPanel scrollable in Java?

I have a class that extends JPanel, where I have overridden the paintComponent(Graphics g) method. However, I can't see the rectangles or the scroll bars I have drawn. In the main function I have the following code below: MyClass mainPanel =…
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Fullpage.js - creating a sidebar outside of scroll area

I'm trying to figure out how to lessen the width of the mousewheel detected scrollable area in Fullpage.js so that I can add my separately scrolling sidebar.
glenn nall
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1 answer

SWIFT - iOS App - Full writeable Field

To put the story short, i write a lot in secret writing ^^, so after a time its difficult to translate long text, so i made a app, which makes me a lot easier to convert big textes in secret writing and otherwise. I´ve realized it but only with text…
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2 answers

How to create a horizontally scrollable header in Android Studio?

guys I am developing an Android Studio, and I would like to create a scrollabe header, a similar one that this app has: Donald Trump Soundboard. Do you know any lectures on youtube or anywhere where I can learn a required skills to create such a…
Armin Beda
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2 answers

CSS: Facebook Messages like layout

I'm trying to create web layout similar to Facebook's Messages page with fixed height header and footer and flexible height main element. Inside main element has to be: div (100% height of main elem.) and scrollable when overflow div (100% height…
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