Questions tagged [scaffold]

327 questions
1 answer

Are unplaced genomic scaffolds unique compared to actual chromosomes?

I used UCSC blat to search for a horse genomic sequence. Three results were returned, two were unplaced scaffolds, and the other was chr1. All had 100% identity to my query…
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rails generate scaffold error

I'm working on the book and I keep hitting an error. When I run rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string I'm getting the following…
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cq5. What filter I need use for upload my scaffold page?

I created a scaffolding page based on the info provided in this link I currently have it within my instance only, but i want to package it and deploy to other instances. What filter I need use…
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How can i do this operation?on scaffolding

i am create scaffolding using Rails. This is my index page <%- model_class = Tasktodo -%>
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Container height does not take entirely even thought I used MediaMediaQuery

In flutter, I used Container inside the Scaffold Widget. I gave the Height and Width of the container as below code (MediaQuery) height:MediaQuery.of(context).size.height; width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, Even thought my screen does not…
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Things to be aware of when using a container as a parent instead of MaterialApp/Scaffold

Say I'm building an app that doesn't need Material design elements and use a container as a parent. Are there things that need to be set up manually (layout-wise) that's unnecessary when using MaterialApp/Scaffold? Following are few unexpected…
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2 answers

Does controllers get created whenever models are created?

I created model for user in ruby on rails using scaffold. Then I got to know that when I saw controller's folder of the project I would find usercontroller.rb file created ? Does this means that whenever model is created controllers are created with…
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Creating User Pages Rails Scaffold issue

im making a web app in which i have made two scaffolds user pages and page posts , but i have a problem that is how do i put the page posts index page on user pages show.html.erb and how do I filter them with the users specific for the user pages
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Order In which to generate Rails application features

I'm new to Rails and programming in general. I'm a bit confused and wondering about common practices when building a rails application from scratch. Is there a proper order of how and when things should be generated? Obviously rails generate new…
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Enable scaffold in vaadin on grails application

i am creating a web-app with grails and vaadin, but i have a big problem with grails scaffold. After installing vaadin-grails plugin i can't access to scaffold, i try to change url mapping without results. someone can help me?
2 answers

How to solve Error CS1525 Invalid expression term '='?

This is the code of the post method in the register class : public async Task OnPostAsync(string returnUrl = null) { returnUrl ??= Url.Content("~/Account/feeds"); ExternalLogins = (await…
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3 answers

Splitting string into linked words

So I have standart scaffold cycle that prints a string of tags of a meet. <% @meets.each do |meet| %>

<%= meet.tags %>

<% end %> How can I separate string of for example 3 words, so that each would be in separate…
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