Questions tagged [sap-fiori]

Use this tag for technical topics of SAP's design system "Fiori" such as Fiori Launchpad (FLP), Fiori Front-End Server (SAP FES), or "Fiori Elements". Use this tag also to indicate that you intend to follow Fiori design guidelines as much as possible (Otherwise, it would not be a "Fiori app"). When asking about Fiori Elements, consider including the [odata] and [sapui5] tags.


SAP Fiori is the new design system for SAP software. It applies modern design principles for a completely reimagined user experience. SAP Fiori UX represents a personalized, responsive and simple user experience across devices and deployment options.

SAP Fiori 3 in SAP Cloud Platform (SCP) Portal Sample Fiori 3 UI design

Fiori apps focus on the most critical and common activities and are designed around how people work:

  • Role-based: Fiori apps decompose complex applications into a task-based experience with one central entry point for each user.
  • Adaptive: Fiori apps adapt to all sizes, devices, versions, and channels to provide a common user experience across all channels
  • Simple: Fiori apps follow the 1-1-3 experience (1 user, 1 scenario, 3 screens). They know and provide the right context and meaningful data integration.
  • Coherent: user experience with apps that speak the same design language. This implies coherence for common activities as well as coherence for your brand.
  • Instant value: with a low barrier to adoption, enabling customers to adapt and users to personalize.


Related tags

644 questions
1 answer

SAPUI5 - Entity with sub Entity

I'm really new at the SAPUI5 world. I'm trying to create a FIORI-App but I'm stucking at the right way to bind my data. I'm creating a SplitApp. In the master view, u've got a list of trainings from which u can choose to display the details. Now I…
1 answer

Extending sapui5 applications: How to hide a field inside a fragment?

I'm trying to extend a standard sapui5 application, in which i need to hide some fields using eclipse IDE. The Problem: I can't figure out how to hide a field from a fragment. Until now i am only able to hide fields from views. What procedure is…
2 answers

How to bind a model to a table in SAPUI5

im trying to bind an entitySet from a oData-Service to a list. My code looks like this: var list = oView.byId("list"); var requestModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel() .attachRequestCompleted(function(data) { var model = new…
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2 answers

Icon tab bar in Sapui5

I am using IconTabBar in my project. IconTabFilters calling from fragments. When user click a button in fragment, the selected IconTabFilter will be active. How can I do this? This my master.view.xml part:
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1 answer

OData Service Call

I have this OData from SAP FIORI Create Sales Orders. Does anyone know to to access all the data on the Products Collection entity
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1 answer

Connecting with MongoDB in Javascript without NodeJs

I have an UI5 Application [Mobile-Fiori], and I would like to connect it with MongoDB to get JSON data to be displayed in my views. I know it would have been possible if I used Node.js with the package Mongoose, but for my applications developed…
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1 answer

Cannot access to sap.ui.getCore() when app is deployed Fiori sapui5

I'm working on a Fiori App in SAP Web IDE full stack. My application works totally fine in SAP Cloud Platform but when I deploy it to my SAP system in Fiori Launchpad, I get sap.ui.getCore().byId(...) undefined. So I change My use about sap.ui in…
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2 answers

SAPUI5 - How to change the table in the same View?

situation: 2 diferent tables, 1 view; want to achieve: I've got to change the table when I change the selectedKey in a select. I already tried to create fragments with each table and call the one I want when I change the select. fragment1 -…
Ana Santos
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1 answer

How to format "MM/yyyy" pattern to locale-dependent " / yyyy" in SAPUI5?

I get dates from backend as data format "12/2019" and would like to convert in the format "Dez / 2019" ("Dez" in German, "Dec" in English). Has anyone an idea? Snippet from my XML view: