Questions tagged [salt]

Cryptography function that takes random bits and a string (typically a password) and uses a one-way hash to provide a new string that can be used for authentication without providing access to the original string. If a salt function uses enough random bits, the resulting string is generally considered cryptographically secure.

1163 questions
2 answers

Using php hash random salt, store salt on temporary user table?

I'm creating an login system in php. I have a custom table for e-mail check, which gets the user register data, and then move it to the table user. I would like to know if it's safe to create the random salt and store it with hashed password on…
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1 answer

What would be the expected time to find all users passwords in UNIX using dicitionary attack?

I was reading that the designers of UNIX password algorithm used a 12 bit salt to modify the E-table of the unix hashing function (the DES). Supposing i have a system with 2^(24) users? Is that ever possible to user dictinary attack? and if so how…
1 answer

PHP login password salting not allowing new users to login

Have an issue with my login script - users register or I can add on my admin panel but when they go to login they are advised their username/email or password is incorrect - I know neither is but there is a salt password hash in place.
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Salt with using Mcrypt

I'm trying to generate salt using Mcrypt's mcrypt_create_iv(), but it doesn't seems to work and I'm getting errors. Here is my code:
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1 answer

How to Remove Salt from DB?

okay I am trying to make a log in form to my website in C# it has md5 + salt.. the problem is salt. md5 I can make work but salt just won't work. I made a php that gets the user name, user group id's etc. I have removed tons of instances of salt in…
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1 answer

Can't Turn Hashed Password Byte Array Back Into String

I'm writing an authentication system with sign-up and all. The passwords are hashed with a salt. I've run into a problem where the implementation I'm using operates with the salt and the final hash being byte arrays. I cannot turn this back into…
2 answers

Java encryption with sha256 and salt

I need a little help from you, I have an exercise , to do a login program and to store the password with sha-256 and salt, I made a part, but here it's the hard part. I've read that if you use sha-256 that you can't reverse the operation to…
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2 answers

decrypt password using salt

Code Here is encrypting password but How I decrypt it or Compare it to login in laravel Code where used getsql(md5($_POST['regpassword'] . SALT), "default"),
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