Questions tagged [s3fs]

s3fs is a FUSE filesystem which allows to mount an Amazon S3 bucket as a local filesystem.

s3fs allows Linux and macOS to mount an S3 bucket via FUSE. s3fs preserves the native object format for files, allowing use of other tools like s3cmd.

s3fs is stable and is being used in number of production environments, e.g., rsync backup to s3.

Important Note: Your kernel must support FUSE, kernels earlier than 2.6.18-164 may not have FUSE support (see issue #140 ). Virtual Private Servers (VPS) may not have FUSE support compiled into their kernels.

There is also a Python library called s3fs. For questions related to this library, please use .

194 questions
1 answer

My code works for text files but not jpegs

I've got a fork of s3fs-fuse I'm working on. My job is to encrypt the files transparently with RC4. I've added the encryption to the FdEntity::Read and Write functions (found in fdcache.cpp) but when I try to copy a jpeg file (17kb) it fails (the…
Matt G
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fuse: warning: library too old, some operations may not not work

I'm trying to mount my s3 bucket to my server.(Centos 6) and when a run the following command s3fs -o use_cache=/tmp/cache localdir bucket-name I'm getting an error fuse: warning: library too old, some operations may not not work
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mounted moodledata directory to s3 but when we purge cache it throws an error

I mounted my Moodle data directory to S3 bucket using fuse and S3fs on two EC2 instances. Now i am using both EC2 instances in a load balancer group, every thing is working fine till i am not purging cache. Once i purge cache of my application it…
Priye Ranjan
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0 answers

s3fs with bacula backups - transport end not connected

I'm using s3fs 1.7.3 with fuse 2.9.5 to store backup tapes for the backup system bacula. What I find is that when bacula finishes backing up one server, I'll get an S3FS error on the directory where I have bacula's virtual backup tapes mounted…
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2 answers

How to keep both data on aws s3 and glacier

I want to keep a backup of an AWS s3 bucket. If I use Glacier, it will archive the files from the bucket and moved to the Glacier but it will also delete the files from s3. I don't want to delete the files from s3. One option is to try with EBS…
1 answer

mount S3 buckets, scale out or scale up?

maybe I should move this question to serverfault, but maybe not =) I have an infra where I have multiple machines (eg FTP servers, get/put and Samba/NFS servers) that need to share out the same (HA) storage. So I figured to use s3fs and fuse. I got…
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1 answer

How to check if a directory has an s3fs mount in EC2?

I'm trying to create a script which runs every time my ec2 instance starts up. It currently has a directory used to mount an s3 bucket: /s3mnt In the script, I want to check if there is a mount on that directory, and perform a certain set of…
Ammar Akhtar
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1 answer

S3FS not reliably mounted

I have AWS instances using Amazon AMI Linux. I've made custom disk images with S3FS installed, that are launched by load balancer automatically. In the S3 bucket all the instances have shared images. In /etc/fstab there is one line added…
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2 answers

s3fs: software caused connection abort while accessing s3 mounted folder

I have mounted three s3 buckets namely 1) 2) 3) using FUSE based s3fs. I am able to access (read and write) and from mounted location (/mnt/s3/). But when I try to…
Manju Shingadi
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2 answers

S3FS mount error: Transport endpoint is not connected

I have AWS Elastic Beanstalk with mounted S3 bucket via S3FS. I intended to let EB autoscale the instances. So I made an AMI image of the configured instance (with reboot) and then used that image in autoscaling configuration. My /etc/fstab…
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2 answers

Dovecot Object Storage Plugin

I know this isn't a very technical question; but where can I find the high-latency object storage addon for amazon s3? The official Open-Xchange site link gives a 404 to the 'Dovecot Store'. I've been restlessly trying to have this done for quite…
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1 answer

Saving files to amazons S3 using S3FS with PHP on Red Hat Linux and files being over written with nothing

When writing a file to S3 using S3FS, if that file is accessed while writing to it, the data in the file is deleted. We had a Red Hat Linux server on which we kept a product we were beta testing when we noticed this issue. When we went to fix the…
1 answer

How can I set the content type of a newly created Java File object?

I'm moving a video from one area to another(s3fs), so I'm doing it as so: File newFile = new File(newFilePath); then copying using this code FileUtils.copyFile2(file, newFile); But in S3, my object content type is wrong. How can I also set the…
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1 answer

Hosting drupal on s3 with s3fs

Can we mount S3 on file system and move drupal docroot to s3? Will this setup work? Has anyone tried this? Mount s3 on /var/www/drupal7 copy drupal files to /var/www/drupal7 folder and point apache docroot to that folder. I appreciate it, if someone…
Swaroop Kundeti
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2 answers

amazon s3 mount with fuse and s3fs

I have an Nginx Server with php-fpm installed on Centos 6.4 1. Current status: I use the NFS server to hold versions and files, Nginx mounts the NFS and serves files from it. this scenario is working and handles large volumes of traffic 2. Desired…
Danny Valariola
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