Questions tagged []

The Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and LINQ-style query operators.

The Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and LINQ-style query operators. Using Rx, developers represent asynchronous data streams with Observables, query asynchronous data streams using LINQ operators, and parameterize the concurrency in the asynchronous data streams using Schedulers. Simply put, Rx = Observables + LINQ + Schedulers.


209 questions
1 answer

RX.Net : Use Retry but log any Exception

I am new to RX and have been investigating error handling and the use of Retry; I have the following (yes I know it's not a 'real' unit test but it gives me place to fiddle!!) and was wondering how I go about keeping the Retry but be able to log any…
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1 answer

Why are these Rx sequences out of order?

Suppose I write var gen = Observable.Range(1, 3) .SelectMany(x => Observable.Range(1, x)); The sequence produced is 1 1 2 1 2 3 as expected. But now if I write var gen = Observable.Range(1, 4) .SelectMany(x => Observable.Range(1, x)); Now the…
Dmitri Nesteruk
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2 answers

How do I turn a polling system into an Rx.Net IObservable?

I have a game (based on MonoGame / XNA) with an update method like so: public void Update(GameTime gameTime) { component.Update(gameTime); } I would like to convert this to the Reactive pattern. My current solution is: public void…
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1 answer

Rx: Count of Grouped Events in Moving Window

I have started looking at using Reactive Extensions with EventStore. As a proof of concept, I'd like to see if I can get Rx to consume an event stream and output the count of events grouped by type for a window of one second. So, say that I am…
David Brower
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1 answer

How can I implement an exhaustMap handler in Rx.Net?

I am looking for something similar to the exhaustMap operator from rxjs, but RX.NET does not seem to have such an operator. What I need to achieve is that, upon every element of the source stream, I need to start an async handler, and until it…
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1 answer

Multi-Producer Multi-Consumer data synchronization with separated queues

I have the following scenario: a variable number ( greater than three ) of queues (depends on a configuration set in a file) some of these queues can either be fed with data or not (it depends on the producer that receives data through a network…
2 answers

Buffer by time or running sum for reactive extensions

I'm quite new to Reactive Extensions and want to buffer a stream based on time, or by a running sum not exceeding a threshold (size of each item is specified by a lambda) whichever occurs first, much like the existing Buffer by count or…
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1 answer

Disruptor vs. Reactive architecture for middle-frequency trading system

I'm trying to choose an appropriate architecture for a middle-frequency trading system I'm working on. Currently, I receive messages from Web Socket or Rest and process them right there. Sometimes it includes IO operations (i. e. additional rest…
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1 answer

BehaviorSubject as backing field?

In Intro to Rx the following is said: BehaviorSubjects are often associated with class properties. As they always have a value and can provide change notifications, they could be candidates for backing fields to properties. However I couldn't…
The Oddler
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2 answers

React Native, Rx.Net and RxSwift: commonalities

I am using RxSwift as part of a project that someone else started. Wanting to understand a bit more on the theory of ReactiveX I bumped into React Native and Rx.Net. I would like to make sure I understand the following correctly: React Native is a…
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2 answers

Entity Framework Core async/wait deadlock when using "one-to-many" relationship and WebApi

I'm encountering a deadlock when using asynchronous implementation of an EF Core provider. Say I have the following models: public class Player { public string PlayerId { get; set;} public string Name { get; set;} public List
Tomer Peled
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3 answers

Take the last item pushed to an Observable (Sequence)

I have an IObservable inside a class and I want to expose a read-only property that provides the last item pushed to the observable at a given time. So it will provide a single value of Item. If no value has been pushed, then it will have to…
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2 answers

How do I poll with state using Reactive Extensions?

There is already a good question on database polling using Reactive (Database polling with Reactive Extensions) I have a similar question, but with a twist: I need to feed a value from the previous result into the next request. Basically, I would…
Mark Sowul
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1 answer

How do I get the last known value of an IObservable?

Suppose I am building an image editor using Rx.Net. The user can manipulate the canvas using the mouse. The manipulation that is applied depends on the currently selected tool. For example, there might be a "draw" tool and an "erase" tool. Only one…
  • 24,047
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2 answers

Rx: a zip-like operator that continues after one of the streams ended?

I'm looking to combine streams (observables) that start and end asynchronously: -1----1----1----1---|-> -2----2--|-> [ optional_zip(sum) ] -1----3----3----1---|-> What I need it for: Adding audio streams together. They're streams of audio…
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