Questions tagged [ruby-on-rails-4.2]

For issues specific to version 4.2 of Rails. If your question applies to Ruby on Rails in general, use the tag [ruby-on-rails].

Ruby on Rails 4.2 is the latest major revision of Ruby on Rails, "an open-source web framework that's optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity." Rails 4.2 brings a bunch of new features and improvements over older Rails versions.

See Ruby on Rails 4.2 Release Notes for more information.


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707 questions
1 answer

Rails - Session Variable Not Persisting Through Apartment Switch

I have a situation. >rails -v Rails 4.2.4 >ruby -v ruby 2.1.8p440 (2015-12-16 revision 53160) [i386-mingw32] I am building a multi-tenant Time Entry solution using the Apartment gem. Here's the flow. I'm stuck. 1) User arrives at the signup page,…
1 answer

Rails4: NoMethodError in UsersController#show, undefined method

I'd like to develop an app for schedule. Each user create their own schedule. I'd like to display the data as followings; schedule title (user name) day1(mm/dd,yyyy) 09:00 Math 11:00 Science Room name A day2(mm/dd,yyyy) 10:00…
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Sass - H5 text alignment

Hi i am currently working with rails 4.2 and using sass , and haml . I am trying to center align the h5 that i have but it seems that it doesnt want to cooperate with me and i already tried with the search with google but still a fail this is my…
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"Unpermitted parameter:" error in Two Many-To-Many association with nested attributes added to whitelist already

I'm taking my first steps "on rails". I looked up several questions on stackoverflow and used google A LOT, but still I can't seem to solve my problem. I´m trying to write a rails app that lets you manage a list of movies, and a list of actors.…
2 answers

Send notification to user after a while Rails

I have this scenario: A user buys a product and when two days have passed after the transaction has been processed, I need to send a mail notification to buyer. At this moment my idea is to use whenever gem and check build a cron job to check in…
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Rails 4 - button text via ajax cannot be updated with data-disable-with attribute

I'm using Rails 4.2 and I'm having issues simply trying to update text on a button after a form post via ajax (remote => true). I'm doing other dom changes that work just fine. I realized that the issue is being caused because I'm using the…
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1 answer

Rails database changing boolean into true

Hi i am currently using Devise with a database name user. now i got another parameter in the database which is an admin and then its type is Boolean. so this is my concern how can i make it true , when i made the user so its currently not true, its…
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1 answer

best in place input field not appearing

I am using Best In Place gem 3.03. My view Page code:


<%= best_in_place @contact, :first_name %>
My coffee script : jQuery -> $('.best_in_place').best_in_place() The First Name is…
Suresh Kumar
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1 answer

Devise (3.4.1 2f0002a), undefined method `flash' for ActionDispatch::Request, rails 4.2

When I sign up or sign in using devise. I get following error: undefined method `flash' for # This is my first project using rails 4.2, all previous projects had atmost rails 4.1.8 and I never had similar…
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1 answer

Saved sublime, and now I can't connect to localhost:3000 on OS X 10.9.5

I'm new to programming and I have this problem that I can't find an answer for - I've saved an update in sublime and haven't been able to connect to http://localhost:3000 (on OS X 10.9.5) I keep getting a syntax error when I try to restart the…
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2 answers

How to change Rails Admin query?

We have a large table and need to tweak a few queries on an index page. I looked through the Wiki and SO and did not find any answers. How do to change the query?
B Seven
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1 answer

rails 4 many to many association with value

i would like to learn how can'i make many to many association with rails. i have three models: Poject(id, name,...), cheklist(id,name), fields(id,name,id_checklist) the relation between checklist and field work fine. every checklists have many…
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1 answer

How to upload and mail the same attachment file in rails 4?

I am using rails 4. Can any one please suggest , what is the best way to upload a pdf file and the same time mail this file?
1 answer

How to use url_helpers in rails 4.2?

I am trying to build some links for my datatable and been struggling with it for the past 4 hours. This is my current code: class UsersDatatable < TemplateDatatable def data do |user| [, user.nome, …
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3 answers

Rails: Passing params from URL to view without looking up the database

I have a URL like Now, when a user comes to my URL, I just want to use the "THIS_TEXT" part inside its routed html.erb view as-is. I know it wouldn't be MVC anymore, but I am trying to avoid some overhead by making the…
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