Questions tagged [rowcommand]

Use RowCommand event if you have problem related Button like controls)'s click event inside asp:GridView.

The RowCommand event is raised when a button is clicked in the GridView control. This enables you to provide an event-handling method that performs a custom routine whenever this event occurs.

Buttons within a GridView control can also invoke some of the built-in functionality of the control. To perform one of these operations, set the CommandName property of a button to one of the values in the following table.

Syntax: public event GridViewCommandEventHandler RowCommand

See usage example here.

102 questions
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Nested Gridview RowCommand event cause Parent GridView RowCommand fire

I have two gridview , one is parent and another is child , each gridview has its own OnRowCommand event. when a gridview rowcommand fire for a child row , rowcommand event of parent fired. and this cause following error in gvProject row command…
mina morsali
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Gridview RowCommand arguments not passing correctly in Safari

I have an asp page with a gridview on. I have also added a clientscript to each bound row to highlight/un-higlight on mouse over/out. I have added an asp:button as a templatefield and bound a value to the CommandArgument. In IE and FIrefox I get the…
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Button row command doesn't fire

Rowcommand button in gridview doesn't fire, the data in the gridview retrieved from TB_DOCUMENT, i intend to get the value of the first column (DOC_ID) and stored it to another table as new record (TB_DOC) can somebody help me with…
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Gridview event is not firing for some rows

I am displaying a summary page inside the Gridview. Everything is working fine except the last 3 rows of the gridview rowcommand event is not firing when i click on it. Below is the aspx code which i used for commandargument.
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Rowcommand does not trigger with update panel with datagridview

I try to use the update panel with my datagridview on the rowcommand event to show a dialog box. when i remove the the update panel it works fine , but withit it does not work. I tried it the following configuration with the update panel, but it…
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ASP.NET gridview in update panel=> rowcommand not working

Been breaking my head over this. Cannot figure out why my rowcommand is not firing. I have an empty grid at Page Load. On a button click i launch a modal that has a save button. The save button add a new row to the Grid by binding it to a…
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Input string was not in a correct format in rowcommand

I have a gridview wherein all the controls are in a single templatefield as below:
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LinkButton in GridView does not fire RowCommand

I am dynamically building a datatable and binding it to a gridview in a VB codebehind. I transform the gridview cell data into LinkButton controls to allow that data to be clicked for updates. I am using AjaxControlToolkit to present a modal popup…
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Gridview RowCommand does not fire on second time

i have a gridview and a simple linkbutton with rowcommand like below:
1 answer

There is no row at column 0

I'm having one grid and one link button on that grid which have rowcommand but whenever i click on that button it shows me error that there is no row at column 0. i've debugged whole code so many time but always it's showing me that there is no…
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Getting event fired control cell of the grid view in Row command event

Can anybody please help me to get the cell index of the event fired control in row command of the grid view. I have one radio button control in side my grid view. If the user clicks on the radio button, i need to change the background color of the…
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Gridview onrowcommand on firing

This is my grid view
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OnRowCommand="grd_RowCommand" event not firing when click on row

here i bind grid columns dynamically using code behind because my GetSocailAnalytics method return dynamic column according to parameter passed.after binding column of grid using data table my grd_OnRowCommand event not firing when i click on grid…
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ASP.NET GridView fire RowCommand on PageLoad

I was able to fire RowCommand and pass the needed variable to another page. Now what I need is to fire RowCommand after clicking a button from another page. What I think of is to reiterate back to previous page and fire another RowCommand but I…
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Button Header and Check box field in Gridview

I want a button in the Header of my Gridview and a checkbox field in the row of that header. I was hoping the following code will work. However, this is not working. I just see "Remove" text in my header and when I click it nothing happens. Am I…
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