Questions tagged [roblox]

Roblox is an online development platform targeted at kids and teens. It was created in 2006. Roblox uses Lua that has been modified by the Roblox team, known as Luau, to support Roblox games, which is fairly simple and easy to use.

Roblox is a free user-generated gaming site that makes players the architects of their own 3D worlds. Parts of the platform are a variety of objects, a scripting language and a website to host games. With a free account, one gets a character and a place, that can be customized. [ Source: ]

Roblox uses Lua, a lightweight programming language embedded into each game. It is easy to use and allows users to manipulate their games in any way possible. Roblox uses their own version of Lua 5.1, edited to work with the games, called Luau, which features type checking and various optimizations. An example would be the removal of tailcalls, making them not re-use the call stack, in favor of easier debugging. Luau allows users to do things such as creating their own GUIs, making structures such as sliding doors, adding animation to bricks, teleporting and killing players, etc.

For more information on Roblox, visit the developer hub.

1032 questions
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How would I be able to change the color of my nametag in roblox studio

So what I want to do is after the NameTag is cloned I want to be able to change the color of the nametag with a GUI button. I have tried this and for me at least it seems that It will be very difficult but if any you have answers tell me ;)
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How to unlock the mouse in Roblox Studio

I want to make a game using the weapons ROBLOX weapons, here is a link to one of them. They were in the ROBLOX Fortnite set. I want to make a weapon selection screen but I don't know how to unlock the mouse so that you can select the weapon in a…
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How would I make a player invisible only to certain players?

Basically what I've done so far is add a boolValue to every player, and if that boolValue is set to true, they can see invisible people, if it is false, they can't. I am clueless about the code currently so I have no idea how to begin. I'm also…
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What does a "for i, v" loop do?

I understand, "for i, v" loops for tables, i is the index, and v is the value, but what does this script do? I do not think this has anything to do with tables, but the only type of for table loops I know in ROBLOX script is the first one I…
1 answer

i was coding lua in roblox and an error happend may someone explain to me what it means

so when i checked out my code this is what happend in errors 00:57:46.354 - Players.thetoganbear.PlayerGui.test.npc_chat:202: Expected ')' (to close '(' at line 154), got 'else' it now changed to 01:17:30.634 -…
2 answers

Change Color of a Form on the click of a button

Basically, I am new to Roblox Exploit Development, and I want to make an exploit with the option to use a dark mode ( As the default is light ) Half of the time I have no idea what I'm doing, so my first attempt was. Form1.BackColor = 40,40,40 That…
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How to get the index of a table

I'm trying to get the index name to automate a DataStore script This is the table, how would I get the "Points" part? local List = { ["Points"] = 0 } Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out. It's just the "i" part in for i, v in pairs(List) do …
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3 answers

Roblox Lua Developpement

I am trying to made a roblox game , but when I script in lua nothing happend when I touch the door : The starter gui for text label game.Workspace.text:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Value"):Connect:(function()) local text = script.Parent if…
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How to make a replacement image when you click on Gui button&

I can not understand how to change the image when you press the button
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I need to Cut and Mix Strings

i would like to know how i could cut and mix strings, im making a player fusion script for my game, but i dont know how i can make their name be togheter, like, if player 1 name is LordNoob and player 2 name is Keyboard then it would mix their names…
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Can't fix this script

I have an issue with my script. I think it something to do with the "end" but I do not really know how to solve it.
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How do I make a brick die and then blows up afterwards?

I am trying to make a part die, but I don't exactly know how to go about that. Can someone point me in the right direction please.
1 answer

'=' expected near 'local' roblox lua

I get an error that says in line 3, '=' expected near 'local'. I'm trying this : local = fireball = game.ServerStorage.Fireball. I typed the equal sign where I thought it needs to go, but it doesn't work... This is the code : local cannon =…
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Roblox & C# | Check if game is FE, and print to a label

I have no current code as I am not sure how to do it, but I would like it so if the game is FE then the label on my Windows Form Application will say "Filtering: True"
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3 answers

I need a Script that brings up a Gui on touch in Roblox?

How do I make a script bring up a shop GUI when a brick is touched? And how should I make the "buy" stuff in the shop GUI?
Connor Boten
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