Questions tagged [rmi]

Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is Java's object-oriented remote procedure call (RPC) mechanism.

Java's Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is the standard object-oriented RPC mechanism in all versions of Java. RMI is built upon the Java platform's object serialization mechanism, provides a simple naming service, and provides a distributed garbage collection (DGC) mechanism.

There are at least three RMI protocols: JRMP: Java Remote Method Protocol, built into the JDK; RMI/IIOP: Internet Inter-Orb Protocol, from CORBA, built into the JDK; and JERI: Java Extensible Remote Invocation, which was the subject of two rejected JSRs and eventually appeared in Jini 2.0, whose main purpose was to greatly improve several aspects of secure RMI. RMI/IIOP is the standard protocol for J2EE, although various J2EE vendors have their own protocols as well.

2559 questions
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RMI Server Cannot Get Started

I am trying to build a fire alarm system using RMI in eclipse neon IDE. But it says following errors when I try to run file after starting rmiregistry. java.rmi.server.ExportException: object already exported at…
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com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0 cannot be cast to

I have the following RMI Connection code which returns a com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0 cannot be cast to Client.AdditionInterface error. I created two separate packages Client & Server and putted the Interface in both of them. Here is my complete…
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Loading Classes From the Client of a Remote EJB

I am trying to develop a standalone client for a remote enterprise bean that is deployed on an Oracle cloud that uses the WebLogic application container. The EJB method expects parameters of a specific interface called "Task". The EJB class looks…
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Accessing tomcat JNDI tree remotely issue

While trying to port our application from WAS 8.5.5 to tomcat 8.0.33, we have hit a roadblock and we are unable to proceed. Hence requesting for your inputs. Following is the scenario: we have DataSourceManager class which looks for datasource in…
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RMI cannot find bound object?

I have the folloving RMI server: public static void main(String[] args) { try{ ChatSystemImpl chatSystem = new ChatSystemImpl(); ChatSystem chatSystem_stub = (ChatSystem) UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(chatSystem, 6001); …
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RMI client 'cannot cast' exception

I am trying to write a client programme in RMI that copy file from the server programme : FileClientInt interface public interface FileClientInt extends Remote { public boolean sendData(String fileName, byte[] data, int len) throws…
Loai Amr
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Remote API for large data processing

I have a javaSE8App, processing large amount of serialisable objects. I also have a javaEE7app(Wildfly, CDI, JSF2) built on the top of the javaSE8App. javaEE7App uses different algorithms from javaSE8App and displays the results to the user. I would…
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How to validate client in java rmi before executing actual service

I created a sample java RMI application, when client sends a request service on server creates some files in a drive. Here I'd like to authenticate the client before executing the actual service.In general using RMI url we can call the service from…
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How can I add a security policy file to a gradle build for an rmi application?

Can anyone tell me how I can add the java command "" to a gradle build for a java rmi application. Thanks. This is the error I get when I run gradle run gradle run Task :run Exception in thread "main"…
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Rmi Mistake IllegalArgumentException, MarshalException

Class for all package Task2; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject; public class IdCl extends UnicastRemoteObject { private int id; private String name; protected IdCl() throws RemoteException { …
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Unable to send message to remote peer local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID

I performed with and without defining serialVersionUID. I have used ehcache as my cache and I am trying to replicate the cache. **Below is my log ** Severe: [Replication Thread] WARN net.sf.ehcache.distribution.RMIAsynchronousCacheReplicator -…
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JavaFX Application Thread

I have a question on JavaFX. My program is working with a client-server model. The error occurs when calling a method over the server on the client (rmi-callback). I receive following error code when calling the method newGame from the client…
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Java RMI ClassCastException

I get the error java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0 cannot be cast to ServerInterface when (second line causing the issue) Registry myreg = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(hostname, portnumber); interOne = (ServerInterface)…
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How can I create multiple servers with Java RMI?

I need: A client, which communicates with the front-end, which communicates with 3 file servers. How should I go about doing this? It needs to use RMI as distributed systems. I also need to monitor all three file servers. From what I understand, I…
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RMI starts two servers in localhost but different port at the same time

I'm learning RMI, and wondering that if it is possible to start two servers with different ports, and how to implement it? The programme has one client and two servers. Server1 uses the RMI default port 1099. Server2 uses the port 1098 (I have…
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