Questions tagged [rijndaelmanaged]

.NET Framework (1.1 and later) managed version of the Rijndael (AES) algorithm.

.NET Framework (1.1 and later) managed version of the Rijndael (AES) cryptographic algorithm. Any public static (Shared in VB) members of this type are thread safe.

Class: System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged

258 questions
2 answers

AES CTR Mode with Bouncycastle Cryptography

I am trying to use to implement AES CTR encryption using the Bouncy castle cryptography library in C#. .NET provides RijndaelManaged Crypto Library but it does not support CTR mode for AES hence the selection of Bouncycastle. I haven't been able to…
Khurram Majeed
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1 answer

Encrypting/decrypting a file line by line?

I'm fairly novice to encryption, and I'm trying to get a line-by-line encryptor working; I need to be able to append encrypted lines to a file as I go during an application's run, rather than just one big massive encrypt-everything-and-save. I'm…
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5 answers

How would you generate repeateable encryption key?

I am looking to encrypt data. I want to generate encryption keys based on a password, and some moving value, like time. The goal is to have the key change, but have anyone that knows the password be able to decrypt. This is happening in C#. I am…
Anthony D
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2 answers

what are default values for RijndaelManaged class properties

what are default values for RijndaelManaged class properties KeySize , BlockSize , FeedbackSize and Padding ? and are default values the best too or not ?
mohsen dorparasti
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2 answers

Encryption in .NET and decryption in Android throws BadPaddingException: pad block corrupted

I did lot of research but i couldn't find answer to my issue. I'm doing AES encryption (Rijndael block size 128 bits) in .NET and decryption in Android (AES) with same password, salt & IV between them. C# Encryption code snippet: …
Satish Shetty
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3 answers

Encrypt in Java and Decrypt in C# with Rijndael

Using the Rijndael algorithm is it possible to encrypt a config file (or section(s) in a config file) and then decrypt that file in Java? Assumptions can be made such as: Pass in IV (not Autogenerated idea :: GenerateIV(); ) Pass in Key BlockSize…
4 answers

How to convert a byte array to a string?

Using the function from: public static byte[] encryptStringToBytes_AES(string plainText, byte[] Key, byte[] IV) As you can see it returns a byte array, I want…
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2 answers

Accessing a decrypted Rijndael encrypted file with a StreamReader without writing to disk

I'm currently working on encryption/decryption of plain text files that are embedded in a .dll file. The plain text files are scripts, and are being parsed as and when they're needed. At the minute, this is how the (plain text) script files are…
Jamie Taylor
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3 answers

RSA Encryption public key not returned from container?

I feel like what I am trying to do is very simple. But for some reason it doesn't want to work: Here is a complete code snippet to test what I am trying to do: using System; using System.Xml; using System.Security.Cryptography; using…
1 answer

How do I send encrypted text from C# to a PhantomJS script using javascript slowAES?

I've got a script that runs in PhantomJS on my server that I need to pass a password to as a command line argument to the script. For those of you unfamiliar with PhantomJS, it's a headless webkit browser that runs server side with no interaction…
Cameron Tinker
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1 answer

AES decrypt text in java, encrypted in C#

I have to decrypt text in JAVA, encrypted in C# (AES, RijndaelManaged). After several days of reading and searching solutions, and a lot of stackoverflow solutions tested, i still have a problem unsolved. I apply C# code here (which is working)…
Sali Manaf
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1 answer

Decrypting an mcrypt file in .Net (C#)

I've been a C# hobbyist for some time now and would consider having intermediate development skills, but little to no encryption knowledge. As part of a side project I need to decrypt files that were encrypted using MCrypt. It doesn't seem any…
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1 answer

Rijndael ciphertext in C# doesn't deserialize in PHP

We have the following C# and PHP code, but the results are not matching. We need the coded string from C# to be decoded using PHP script. Is this possible? C# code class Program { public string CKey = "HELLOSECRETTEXT"; public string EnText =…
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1 answer

Is it safe to use Rijndael.Create() instead of new RijndaelManaged()

I've read some on this topic, but I'm still not 100% comfortable with the answers I see. When you create a cryptographic algorithm using Rijndael.Create(), you get an object of type RijndaelManaged - there doesn't seem to be a difference between…
Joe Enos
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1 answer

Rijndael cryptography not working on Windows Server 2012

I have a Windows Application (x64) that has been working fine on Winodws 7, 8 and now 10. Today we failed at running the program under a Windows 2012 Server. When we looked at the event log, we found an error originating from…
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