Questions tagged [rethinkdb-python]

Python driver for RethinkDB

128 questions
1 answer

Import rethinkdb python module in to use in Jython

I am trying to connect to rethink db(has a python driver) from my java app. RethinkDB python install section does not have a place to explicitly download the python modules. Because for me, I…
Subash Chaturanga
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2 answers

ReqlDriverError while connecting to rethinkdb in Django

Django throws below error : ReqlDriverError: Server dropped connection with message: "RethinkDB cluster" Am trying to connect to RethinkDB in Django via custom middleware. Below is the code am using to connect to RethinkDB @singleton class…
Satheesh Panduga
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1 answer

tearDown not called for unittesting with Tornado

I'm using Rethinkdb and Tornado with rethinkdb.set_loop_type("tornado") I'm using python unittests to test my server routes. Here is my unittest base class: class ServerTest(AsyncHTTPTestCase): def setUp(self): super(ServerTest,…
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Where does the data go once you've done rethinkdb restore

After I've used rethinkdb restore, where does rethinkdb import that data / access that data from? I've tried searching for this answer, but my choice in keywords to use must be inadequate. I want to use this directory as a shared volume for my…
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RethinkDB REQL Query to find number occurrences of distinct values in an array

I have a table like this in rethinkDB. [{ "Id": [ 12, 13 ], "group": "79", "go_Id": [] }, { "Id": [ 12, 12, 12, 14 14 ], "group": "91", "go_Id": [ 16, …
1 answer

How to setup rethinkdb proxy server

we have two client machines, how do we connect both of them using proxy server? As you said earlier: "To start a RethinkDB proxy on the client: rethinkdb proxy -j -j ..." only of the clients can connect in this way, since the ports will already be…
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Multidatacenter Replication with Rethinkdb

I have two servers in two different geographic locations (alfa1 and alfa2). r.tableCreate('dados', {shards:1, replicas:{alfa1:1, alfa2:1}, primaryReplicaTag:'alfa1'}) I need to be able to write for both servers, but when I try to shutdown alfa1, and…
1 answer

Rethink DB Cross Cluster Replication

I have 3 different pool of clients in 3 different geographical locations. I need configure Rethinkdb with 3 different clusters and replicate data between the (insert, update and deletes). I do not want to use shard, only replication. I didn't found…
1 answer

RethinkDB Python Recursive Document Filter

Trying to do a recursive filter query on RethinkDB with they Python wrapper. Having a lot of trouble getting it work. Tried a lot of variations of the query, to no avail. Essentially, I'm trying to find the rows which do not have a document nested…
Nick Woodhams
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RethinkDB Changefeeds Lost Connection

I registered a Changefeeds to one of my RethinkDB tables, and it's been working perfectly for the past 6 days. Data get posted to my rethinkDB table every 2 minutes, and the Changefeeds has no problem getting them. But yesterday due to some reason…
J Freebird
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REQL Date and time queries

My documents contain the following fields: "valid_from": "Mar 17 08:55:04 2011 GMT" "valid_to": "Mar 16 08:55:04 2017 GMT" My base query currently looks like this: r.db('items').table('token') How can I query to only retrieve/filter the…
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Rethinkdb reads are insanely slow

I am simply trying to read all selected fields from a RethinkDB table into memory to construct a pandas DataFrame from it. The table is indexed by an integer primary key and the database runs only one a single machine. The code to read the data is: …
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1 answer

How to query a document by values that are in an attribute that is an array?

the document is like this: { "checkpointIds": [ "1155adc1-cb50-4124-9b5f-7667693a34c0" , "1155adc1-cb50-4124-9b5f-7667693a34c1" ] , "id": "1a55dc34-bd30-4915-ada7-ce4972d5df4f" } i want to query documents that has specific values inside an…
Julio Marins
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1 answer

Insert json log files in rethinkdb?

I have a log file by the name log.json. A simple insert in rethinkdb works perfectly. Now this json file get updated every second, how to make sure that the rethinkdb gets the new data automatically, is there a way to achieve this, or i have to…
1 answer

Rethinkdb, Python, and Filter

So here's a fun reduced snippet on some code I'm working on in Python 2.7 with the latest RethinkDB (1.14). My problem is now I need to add another condition, and there's too many possible combinations. Can this be done in a single filter…
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