Questions tagged [restrict]

Do not use! This tag has multiple meanings depending context. If you are looking for the restrict keyword in C-like languages use [restrict-qualifier] instead.

342 questions
1 answer

mySQL Restrict Cascade No Action settings

What is the best constraint to use on a forum table where users leave comments? Assuming some users will be deleted at a later stage. if i delete a user who has commented, what happens to the users entry in the table? Hope someone can explain.
2 answers

How do I restrict one random prefab to be used only once but placed randomly with a whole bunch of prefabs of arrays on top of other object?

How do I restrict one random prefab to be used only once but placed randomly with a bunch of prefabs of arrays on top of other object? using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class LevelRoomsScript : MonoBehaviour { …
1 answer

Creating an Integer range for input into int variable

So i have a project where i need to store 8 integers, between 1-10, and recall them into a histogram The histogram is made up of the character * only. (forgive bad formatting, this is my first post) The program works, but i think my if statements…
2 answers

Restrict page if Auth::user()->id != user_id using middleware

i use middleware to restrict the admin page from non-admins, and i can restrict pages with a list of "patients" from other users by using a policy, but if i use a policy. I have to repeat the code can() method in every function. If i use middleware…
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Restrict who can see my profile in facebook

First i want to start that i even don't want to bother anybody but i just don't know what to do. I was looking for help in alot of places, and i found almost nothing. I just don't know what to do any more so i am asking here some help and any…
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Restricting a user for FTP

How would I go about restricting a user to a specified folder such as /var/www/html/ I already have this location as their default landing location for FTP, but I need to restrict them specifically to this location, I don't want them to be able to…
Jamie Gaunt
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Restrict Access To Some Commands

I'm trying to block a user from using some commands like rm , so I added these aliases : exemple : alias rm="printf 'not allowed'" alias alias="printf 'not allowed'" everything works fine and they are blocked via terminal, but if He executes a…
3 answers

How can I restrict access to a folder or a file to other users in htaccess?

I want to restrict access to some folders and files but only when a user tries to access to it through the url, not when the website access to these files. For example restrict the folders images, javascript,... I tried in different ways but I…
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How to limit usage of a tool to users within your company network?

We have a developer debugging tool to help manipulate security section of a database that our product depends on. This tool's purpose is to inject state into database to reduce time to create test scenarios. The database is not typical database that…
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How to restrict my particular page and it can only access after submit action occurred

Please help me.. I have a contact form page and thank you page. I just want to restrict my thank you page and it can only access after submit action on contact form click. So how can I do that? Thank you! :) EX: If directly access the thankyou.php…
Ron Cortez
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ActiveMQ 5.10: Cannot restrict access to server from remote client

I install ActiveMQ 5.10 on MacOSX Yosemite. I can change the file to restrict access to Web Console at localhost:8161. However, when I write Ruby code to connect to the ActiveMQ using Stomp like this: require 'stomp' client =…
Châu Hồng Lĩnh
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Internet Explorer restrict multiple tabs

I have seen a nice example on Microsoft website details about how we can identify and restrict multiple tabs in internet explorer for a web application. The author mentioned about air line ticket example. You bought a ticket in one tab and perform…
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Restric access to users based on user level

in my database i have the table called users, where i have 5 fields (id, username, email, password, user_level) - for the user_level field i have 2 options administrator and editor. What i want to do is that when the user who is logged in have…
Adrian Adr
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1 answer

Display information page to only logged in and particular customer group

I found this following code on stackoverflow which gives access to information page to only logged in customer, and it is very useful. I want one enhancement to this. The information page should be only accessible by particular customer group. if…
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Linux VSFTPD : Jail a "Specific User" to its home?

I'm using both Redhat and CentOS. When i do followings: # vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf chroot_local_user=YES # service vsftpd restart Then All Users are jailed in their homes. What i really wanna know is: HOW TO JAIL A SPECIFIC USER ONLY?
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