Questions tagged [repeater]

The Repeater control is used to display a repeated list of items that are bound to the control.

The ASP.NET Repeater is a basic container control that allows you to create custom lists from any data available to the page. It's a handy control, especially since most ASP.NET pages that display data need to repeat the same kinds of data over and over.

2759 questions
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How do i repeat a function until x happens?

I am very VERY new to HTML and all programming so I apologize in advance if you find my layman's wording offensive. Info: I'm making an auto-battle program for an RP group. a lot of my friends got bored because fighting usually goes player: "roll…
1 answer

How to print repeater data using Ctrl+P?

<%# (Container.ItemIndex + 1).ToString() %> …
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QML: Show object over non siblings

I have a somehow very hard to solve problem in my QML code. I will summarize it the best I can since it is very long code.. I write a color picker qml file that is called when the user wants to pick a color. This is done in a big rectangle with…
1 answer

Flex 3: possible to run a function after a repeater is completed done loading the children?

I have a repeater which creates a child named "wholeProject" each time the repeater loops.
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Group inside Repeater ACF Pro WordPress Timber

I have checked the documentation and various posts and could not find examples of this. What I want is to access a field of a group, which is within a repeater in ACF Pro, using Timber/Twig. What I have is: {% for item in post.meta('main_field')…
Yan White
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ASP Repeater creating invalid markup

In website i work with(on which i had no prior knowledge) there is repeater and html markup. The output i get is spaghetti code mixture of databinded code and also markup after the repeater. The Code Behind and Markup is given below
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Advanced Custom Fields within WordPress - Unable to use a repeater within a group

I have done this 20+ times previously but I cannot figure out why my call to the repeater field is breaking my site. The page is unable to load due to a php error, it works if I remove the while loop that is calling the repeater field. I would like…
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ASP.NET Many Nested Controls

I have 2 Repeaters one inside another.
Umair A.
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3 answers

How to find selected row and column index together in Repeater on .NET

I have a repeater component to show data. I can get row index by using Repeater1.Items[e.Item.ItemIndex].ItemIndex.ToString() but it gives me just the selected row. How can I find also the column index ? Thanks in advance,
Barış Velioğlu
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Kentico Query Repeater - Duplicate results

Using Kentico as CMS. Site is education based and content is composed of Degree, Certificate and/or Letter of Recognition. Some programs are linked, as they are part of multiple departments. I want to filter out the results that are alias pages, and…
1 answer

Randomize dataset in a Wix repeater

I'm building a website in Wix, and I'm trying to build something like Mental Floss's Fact Generator ( on my website. I have a dataset ready to go, and have linked it to a repeater, but I've got some…
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Flex 3: getting .length of custom component id within a repeater... works sometimes, but not all the time

I have a repeater that populates a component, called 'project'. The project components are given an ID of 'wholeProject'. In all of my functions up until now, I was able to determine how many project components were made by doing the…
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Wix search bar coding issue

I am trying to use coding to set up a search bar on my wix website using repeaters to show my results. I have it functioning, in the sense that it is providing correct results when I use the search bar, but I am faced with a duplication issue in…
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Unable to get Checkbox ID or Checked status from Control inside a Repeater

I am converting a Classic ASP program to C#/ and I don't have a lot of freedom to change displayed code because of customer requirements. To duplicate the legacy codes appearance, i used a Repeater, like so:
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ACF repeater - show the first 10 rows and put the others in another div

I've created a list of logos with ACF repeater field. I'd like to have the 10 first logos displayed in my template and the others in an expand collapse. I've almost managed to make it work but the problem is that it's creating an expand collapse…
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