Questions tagged [rel]

The rel attribute specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document

The rel attribute is used in HTML elements to specify the relationship and connection between the current document and the linked document.

Source: W3C (link)

216 questions
2 answers

can you use rel=opener with

I know you can use "noopener" with, which explicitly tells your browser to forbid the child window from accessing the parent window. This should have the affect of using rel="noopener" in a hyperlink. However, Chrome 88 is soon (2021?)…
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2 answers

Specify custom canonical URL in WordPress Post

We operate 1000's of websites, most of them are are made for specific sports events. Currently we have our writers write to all of them specifically for unique content. However we have 2 major sites that cover all events in their verticals; and we…
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2 answers

How to configure a custom RelProvider for Spring HATEOAS when using Spring Boot?

I'm using the party model: @Entity @Inheritance(strategy=...) @JsonTypeInfo(use= JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type") @DiscriminatorColumn(name = "type") public abstract class Party { @Column(updatable =…
Neil McGuigan
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2 answers

Why is my page showing as validated in the W3C validator, but not when using SEO checking tools?

I have a web page that returns in W3C Validator as fully validated (and is green). But when I run a check of the same URL in many SEO testing websites, it fails and tells me the errors it failed on: Bad value v:url for attribute rel on element a:…
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2 answers

Relative link to stylesheet does not work on local machine, works online. Why is this?

I'm trying to link my stylesheet (styles.css) to index.html. When I do this using the Sublime Text build function for Chrome, the HTML comes out fine, but does not link to the stylesheet (the text is not blue). When I upload this exact same code…
Erik V
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1 answer

Do search engines add weight for microformats?

For example, if I had My friend Bill or My friend Bill Will Google for example give extra weight to the second because I specified they are a friend?
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2 answers

How to indicate links used as hooks for js? Or rel="js" semantic replacement

I'm looking for good/semantic/passing-validation way to indicate my links, that are used as hooks for javascript. link As I understand "rel" is more about relationships between documents. Also the "data-lang" (from…
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2 answers

jQuery maxlength attribute problem with textareas

With jQuery version 1.2.3 I'm trying to add nodes after textarea elements with attribute 'maxlength' but it doesn't work: $("textarea[@maxlength]").after("Aint working"); This is the HTML code: