Questions tagged [registration]

Registration is a process through which a person or entity provides some necessary information about himself to the company or other entity he/it wants to be registered with.

2601 questions
2 answers

Laravel 5.5 Check User exist with three param in two tables

I develop the register module , i want to check users registered in my web app with email , nationalCode or mobile , i have two tables , users and userInfo , i store email in users table and i store nationalCode and mobile in userInfo table , i want…
Amirreza Moradi
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0 answers

Sqlite android function code causing app to crash on register

I have now two functions for checking if email exists and if student exists in my sqlite code. But when i call the functions from the register page, the app crashes and the log says that the error is at the isUserinCourse function and the if…
2 answers

Ruby On Rails Devise: How can I avoid email uniqueness validation during sign up and rewrite to check if it's unique only if has role "X"

I want to interrupt the default registration action in my rails application, changing email validation. All I need is to have email field unique ONLY if that user is already registered AND has role 'X'. I've tried the following but my application…
1 answer

How do I require a serial number or registration for a WordPress plugin?

Does anyone know of a way to require a serial number or registration of a WordPress plugin? I know that I could sell my plugin to individuals, but what would stop people from sharing it freely on the web? I need a way to track and ensure each…
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Trying to Create a Login Method but the password in my MySql database is hashed, also using a self made dataProvider in C#

So i have created a register page that will take your first name, last name, email and a password and stores it inside my database, ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Register_User] @FirstName NVARCHAR(100), @LastName NVARCHAR(100), @Password…
2 answers

Registration form won't display input

I am making a registration form and have made some simple php to process the email as a test: Hello I am using the post method, and although the atom editor was displaying the Hello, it doesn't display the…
0 answers

PHP - Register does not work, but Login works

I Need some help with my script. When I go to the MySQL Database and insert a new User I can log in with my username and Password, which I can create through the MySQL database. But my register-page.php script doesn't work somehow. It doesn't fill…
0 answers

Registration with Google API

I'm trying to implement Login and Registration to my React App with the Google API. I can't figure out the correct way to register a new user with the information that Google provides (the GoogleAuth Object). After a successful login with the popup…
1 answer

I need a service to send me an email if someone registered on my API registration form

I have a website which provides API service by the registration form, so I need a system to integrate it in the registration form to receive an email if someone registered on the API service. (I need this service to be available to be ready for…
1 answer

django socialregistration error help

I was hoping to get some assistance using the django social registration app. I am getting this error: TemplateSyntaxError at /accounts/login/ Caught NoReverseMatch while rendering: Reverse for 'facebook_login' with arguments '()' and keyword…
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1 answer

Username and password login using pickle file python

I am currently doing my NEA and I am having problems with the login stage. This is my registration code: def login_create(): import pickle import os new_login_filename = 'new_login.dat' login_list = [] if…
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0 answers (Session Initiation Protocol) registration error -4 (-5) on Turkish locale

The problem lies in sip calls in the Turkish locale. If the current locale is Turkish on the device, any sip registration, for any work domain, ends with a registration error of -4 (only on Xiaomi Mi MIX2 error -5). And, most interestingly, on any…
1 answer

how do i use my validation in a tkinter environment?

from tkinter import * window = Tk() window.title("Registration") window.configure(background="blue")enter code here Label (window, text= "Firstname: ", bg="blue", fg="white", font="verdana 12 bold") .grid(row=0, sticky=E) firstname = Entry(window,…
1 answer

Reactjs Redux Login/Registration Alerts

I was searching for a simple Login/Registration System and stumbled about this tutorial: I tried it and added a real mongoDB Backend to remove the…
Martin Seubert
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1 answer

Woo Commerce - Offer to register at checkout (don't force)

As the title says, is there anyway I can allow a customer to register at checkout. The ideal situation would be to get their shipping and billing address included in the registration at the same time they enter it for the actual purchase. However,…
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