Questions tagged [redux-framework]

A simple options framework for WordPress themes and plugins.

Redux Framework is a simple options framework for themes and plugins.

Redux Framework is open source, and the source code can be found on GitHub.

163 questions
1 answer

Redux Framework - How to use the redux/validate/{opt_name}/class/{field.validate} filter

I'm working on a custom field extension and all I have left is to include a validator for that field. I figured I'd need to use the redux/validate/{opt_name}/class/{field.validate} filter, but I have no clue whatsoever what I need to replace the…
Izaac Brånn
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2 answers

Have multiple plugins use redux-framework for options page

Can I have multiple plugins use single instance of Redux framework to provide multiple options page? I am writing 2 plugins, for which I will be using Redux framework to provide options, can I have one Redux framework and make my plugins create 2…
Nagendra Rao
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1 answer

How to make: enable / disable option for javascript function with php?

I am still new in php, javascript so I hope that you can help me. :) I have a LightBox which works good. But Now I want to make enable / disable option for Lightbox in my Wordpress theme. I have this code for settings options page: array ( …
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1 answer

Update an Option Outside the Redux Panel

I'm trying to update a Redux option outside of Redux Option panel. I'm following this official guide, but it's outdated. In newest version of Redux, there is no new Redux_Framework_sample_config(); line in config file. There is a static Redux class…
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1 answer

How to use redux options in wp-admin? wordpress

I can use redux framework options for front-end eleemnts. Now lets say if i want to change the layout(colors, background colors) of redux option panel in wp-admin using redux options, then how can i achieve this. I want to give user the option to…
Hassan Ali
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1 answer

WordPress & Redux Framework - Using current_theme_supports to control Redux sections

Similar to Wordpress - Adding to Redux Theme Options using Child Theme I'm am looking to control Redux sections with current_theme_supports($feature), so that if a theme supports a feature, a section won't be displayed. Eg if colors are managed by…
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1 answer

How to show fields below checkbox based on "checked" in Redux Framework?

I've downloaded the Redux Framework (using generator). I want some fields to be displayed if a checkbox field is checked (more related fields below checkbox). I searched online and found some Redux code having checkbox_hide_below field which is not…
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4 answers

Redux Wordpress Framework enqueue style

I use the redux framework in my wordpress theme. My global variable is $ua_options So I created a switch in my config.php: array( 'id' => 'ua-enable-responsive', 'type' => 'switch', 'title' => __( 'Responsive',…
Hans Ullrich
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3 answers

Redux Framework Add Submenu

I cant get Redux Options Framework working for my plugin. I was trying to add the settings as submenu to my plugin. I created a simplified demo plugin and could also approve this behaviour.
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1 answer

Redux dev_mode doesn't work

I am theme author for repository. I use Redux Framework to install theme options. But Redux embedding wasn't allowed on . So i have to recommend users Redux with TGM plugin at this point. As a result i must use redux builder for user…
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1 answer

Upgrading Redux framework on wordpress?

I'm new to Wordpress, and in my plugin page I see Redux asking for upgrade. A new build of Redux is now available! Your version: New version: Get it now | Dismiss. However unlike other plugins, it doesn't have any easy places to…
Pei Xiang
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1 answer

Any advice on improving inline style using php variable from redux theme options?

I am using the redux framework for wordpress. This works but I am wondering if there's a way to make it so that the style won't be inline. I have looked at the redux compiler and couldn't see anything about using variables in gradients/supporting…
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3 answers

wordpress redux framework custom header style

I'm a beginner of php, I found this custom style in Wordpress Redux framework but I don't understand how the code work. I would like to know how this formula works: px; Can…
J'ry Wong
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2 answers

Redux framework: background logo setup with in wordpress

I want to set up a theme option "Logo upload" with Redux framework. But I have faced some problem, because my HTML template has setup the logo through a stylesheet. How can setup this logo via uploader? I'm new in wordpress and obviously in redux…
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1 answer

Redux Framework custom field

I've used the redux build to download the admin folder to include on a custom plugin. Everything works OK. I'm trying to create a custom field, using the custom_field bootstrap, but it's not loaded. I've put it on the extension folder, inside the…
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