Questions tagged [recording]

Questions related to recording of media like audio, video and speech.

Recording is the process of capturing data or translating information to a recording format stored on some storage medium, which is often referred to as a record or, if an auditory medium, a recording.

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694 questions
2 answers

format of sound data

What is the low level actual format of sound data when read from a stream in Java? For example, use the following dataline with 44.1khz sample rate, 16 bit sample depth, 2 channels, signed data, bigEndian format. TargetDataLine tdLine = new…
1 answer

Sniffing/recording application layer only

I am looking for a tool (preferably on Linux) that can sniff UDP traffic and record only the application layer to file(s). I couldn't make tcpdump/wireshark to do so, as they always write the lower layers' headers too. I tried working with snort…
1 answer

Flash & PHP library to record sound in browser and save to .wav file?

This question has been previously mentioned on Stack Overflow, but the answers were not helpful. I've looked at this link as well, but it does not allow the user to re-record their sound in case they made an error. What would be your…
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"Function was not implemented" when trying to use ONI recording

I'm trying to use an oni recording in my application using OpenNI. Here is my xml file:
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3 answers

Recording data using microphone for a fixed duration

I would like to know if there is a way to fix the duration of recording using mobile's microphone. Like when I click a button the recording should start and it should stop after 5 seconds on its own, what method do you propose me to use…
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iOS Audio Recording Size per Minute

A very high level question. I'm investigating the possibility of an app that would do 2-3 hr audio recordings at a time. Does anyone know an proximate minute per MB rate for low (voice quality) level recordings? Now I know this can depend on lots…
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Record audio on html5 app

I'm trying to build a html5 app, part of it requires the recording of audios whose length should be up to a minute and then encode it into 64 based, so I did quite a bit searching and didn't find a good answer. Are there any ways to record an audio…
Matthew Yang
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1 answer

Recording audio samples on iOS using AVFoundation

Choosing the audio format in which AVFoundation audio samples are captured. I am familiar with processing of video frames coming from the iPhone camera. There, the AVCaptureVideoDataOutput's videoSettings property could be used to specify the format…
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MP3 files of same bitrate and same length have a different size

I'm currently working on some multi-channel audio recording software. The basic goal is to be able to record every input device on a computer. I noticed that when I record for a "long" time (more than 1 hour), the different mp3 files (which…
Bram W.
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1 answer

recording a conversation on tokbox for iphone/ipad

I tried using the following code from then putting it into the The OpenTokHello sample app from OpenTok and it appears to not actually record the video as I thought it would. I made the…
2 answers

Record what user has clicked

I want to recognize (with php, mysql) and save which blog entries a user has clicked. Like, I have tech entries, lifestyle entries etc. and I want to record which entries a user is interested in, so that I could provide just these entries for…
John Brunner
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4 answers

How to capture audio from browser and save it on a server?

I'm currently working on a project - an online education system, and I need to make it possible for studs to introduce themselves in a 30 sec audioclip. I need to implement it with Adobe Flash. The problem is that I have no idea how the Flash + Red5…
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Watching a livestream that is being ripped by ffmpeg to disk - file updating problem

I am automatically recording daily tv news with ffmpeg, so I can watch them later. ffmpeg -i -c copy Tagesschau.mkv This works. But let's say ffmpeg recorded for 2 minutes and I open the currently…
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1 answer

Why am I bleeding memory?

heres a script to detect and record sound that ive been hacking on for a while. it works great, except that its memory usage grows after every successful detection. i fixed a similar issue that occurred during prolonged periods of silence (if…
1 answer

Voice Call Recording Others Voice Not Recorded

I am creating an app for recording voice calls which is working fine on almost all devices. My problem is that the incoming voice is not recorded while making a call with earphones. I tried a number of ways to achieve this but failed to overcome…
Srikanth M
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