Questions tagged [ready]

a HTML DOM JS function indicating the document may be manipulated

Commonly used with DOM operations in Javascript or the JQuery extension.

159 questions
1 answer

combining jquery functions ready and live

$(document).ready(function(){ $("a[rel='box']").colorbox(); }); and jQuery('a[href*=#]').live('click',function() { ...etc... total NOOB question: I have these two functions in JQuery... How do I combine them ? a[href*=#] is…
1 answer

Implementing Actionlistener in an RTP GUI

So I was trying to create two buttons for an interface, I've tried implementing ActionListener to enable one of the buttons to print a string but it gave me an error which said that "actionlistener wasn't implemented in the class BorderDemo" What…
1 answer

Determine when Legend is ready

I am looking to place a text element (or two) below the legend, aligned with it's right side, but I can't get consistent coordinates. Warning: I am a relative noob at SVG. I have a series of datasets that I want to show charts for. As I move from…
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2 answers

In ASP.NET MVC3 how to apply jQuery UI plugins when there are slowly rendered elements delaying the document ready event?

I have a page what contains a long running Ajax request on loading one of its element (a 3rd party grid component). This Ajax request delays the firing of the ready event on the document. I use jQuery UI plugins (button, dilog). I used to apply them…
Zoltán Tamási
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1 answer

Alternative to $(document).ready?

Possible Duplicate: jquery callback after all images in dom are loaded? I am using the following script to load a div once the page load is complete: