Questions tagged [reader]

Reader specifies a software that can read files of a specific format or a hardware gadget that can read some memory card or similar device.

Reader specifies a software that can read files of a specific format or a hardware gadget that can read some memory card or similar device.

462 questions
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PDF Viewer in Qt

I am trying to create a pdf viewer inside qt using Adobe Readers ActiveX, but it requires to install Adobe Reader, so is it possible without installing Adobe reader we can create pdf viewer
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TensorFlow - decode_csv: Expect 3 fields but have 5 in record 0, when given 5 defaults throws: Expect 5 fields but have 3 in record 0

I'm trying to run the example from with my custom data that looks like: example_data.txt DESC|manner|How did serfdom develop in and then leave Russia ? ENTY|cremat|What films featured the…
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How to handle the exceptions thrown from item reader?

I want to catch the exceptions thrown from item reader (e.g. reader not open , incorrect token exceptions etc) and handle it. Currently spring batch is throwing them as fatal exceptons and come out of the step. Please let me know if there is any way…
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how can i get file from content://com.adobe.reader.fileprovider

I'm writing an Android app and I encountered problem with sharing file via my application from Adobe Acrobat Reader mobile. It works from any other application or media store. I don't know if I'm missing something. The problem is only on Android…
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Change default reader in common lisp

I wrote some function that could replace the function read of common lisp (defun my-read (stream &rest args) (declare (ignore args)) (funcall (my-get-macro-character (read-char stream)))) Is there a way to use this function as default reader?
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read specific line in csv file , python

In an CSV file with python we can read all the file line by line or row by row , I want to read specific line (line number 24 example ) without reading all the file and all the lines.
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5 answers

How to disable firefox's reader view from my website?

Today i updated my firefox to the latest version and one big feature is the reader view for desktop. We launched a webshop two weeks ago and now there is this tiny "reader view" icon. When i click on it i get an error-message. My team-leader wants…
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3 answers

What does this "#" mean in this Clojure context?

I stumbled upon the official Om example under "examples/mixins", there's a definition as this: (def MyComponent (let [obj (om/specify-state-methods! (clj->js om/pure-methods))] (aset obj "mixins" #js [TestMixin]) (js/React.createClass…
Minos Niu
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8 answers

How to read numbers from a mixed txt file in python

I have a txt file which is composed of text and numbers. It looks something like this: > this is a paragraph which is introductory which lasts some more lines text text text 567 45 32 468 974 35 3578 4467 325 765 355 5466 text text text 1 3…
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PDFBox encrypted / locked PDF is still modified by Adobe Reader during 'save as'

I am working on an implementation where our system generates a PDF file for a user to download. The key of our process and system is that this PDF file should not be modifiable by the user or program on the users computer (at least, not without bad…
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Is there a function to specify a message when reading in a file if the line doesn’t follow a certain pattern

I am making a Class called Book that represents books that have a title, an author and a year, when they won the award. I have a method getList which should read in the data from a csv file and if a line doesn’t follow the pattern title,author,year…
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How to read from socket using asyncio add_reader

I have this code: import sys import socket import asyncio async def main(dest_addr, max_hops=30, timeout=0.5): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() queue = asyncio.Queue() port = 33434 rx = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,…
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Deriving monad bind from applicative (<*>) confusion

Working through the Haskell Book and my brain is breaking on the following example. I really don't know what the flip function is doing on line 21 1 class Functor f where 2 fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b 3 4 class Functor f => Applicative f…
Shane Unger
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Python 3 - CSV writer loop won't close after CSV reader reaches end of file

I'm trying to create a program that splits large CSV files into smaller ones. I've got the function working great, except it doesn't ever close the last file, which means it never finishes writing to that file. Here's what I've got: import…
3 answers

Golang buffer with concurrent readers

I want to build a buffer in Go that supports multiple concurrent readers and one writer. Whatever is written to the buffer should be read by all readers. New readers are allowed to drop in at any time, which means already written data must be able…
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