Questions tagged [read-text]

44 questions
0 answers

Read text block from capture screen shoot by Tesseract C# window form

Im try read text from bitmap(capture screen) by Tesseract using C#, but result wrong word language. My code: Class TesseractApi{ public static auto_login.text_rect get_all_text(Bitmap bitmp = null) { …
Jack Huỳnh
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How to get number only values from a specific row from different text file

I am trying to get only numbers from a particular row from 10 different text files. As an output, I want those numbers appended as a list. I'm a new learner. I would appreciate your help. tried this one but not working import os import…
1 answer

How can i read a text file line by line and put into excel sheet cell using VBA? Read line is not working

I am using the below code. Instead of putting the data line by line into cells, it is putting all data into one cell. attached image for your reference. Also attached the sample text file that I am reading. please note, when I try to open this text…
0 answers

Error 1 extracting zip file with readtext library

I am working on this tutorial when I get to this part of the code: extracted_texts <- readtext(data_files, docvarsfrom = "filepaths", dvsep = "/") I keep getting this error Warning in…
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How to print content of multiple urls onto one single txt.file?

Good afternoon, I am new to stack overflow so I apologize in advance if my question is not in the right format. I have a list of URLs such as these (but many more), master_urls =…
1 answer

How to load multiple JSON files into a quanteda corpus using readtext?

I'm trying to load a large number of JSON files from a news website into a quanteda corpus using readtext. To simplify the process, the JSON files are all in the working directory. But I have also tried them in their own directory. When using c()…
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how to read a simple strings text file in pyspark?

I have a list of strings saved in text file without header, and wanted to open in pyspark notebook in databricks and print all lines. abcdef vcdfgrs vcvdfrs vfdedsew kgsldkflfdlfd text =…
1 answer

How to train and read the particular text from Image/PDF?

Image or PDF may contains ** Printed text, Handwritten text, Paragraphs, Key value pairs, Complex Tables. ** While training, we will assign the tags/keywords for the document. When testing will look for the tag and read the result for the…
1 answer

Get x and y coordinates from a specifically formatted text file into an Ordered dictionary in python

I am trying to read a text file in a specific format and extract coordinates from them and store them in an ordered dict. One set in the text file consists of a title line followed by x and y coordinates. The x, y coordinates always start with .…
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2 answers

How can i make a dictionary from txt file in python

I have get this txt file A:{A:0, B:6, C:4, D:3, E:0, F:0, G:0} B:{A:6, B:0, C:2, D:0, E:4, F:0, G:0} C:{A:4, B:2, C:0, D:2, E:0, F:8, G:0} D:{A:3, B:0, C:2, D:0, E:3, F:0, G:0} E:{A:0, B:4, C:0, D:3, E:0, F:7, G:6} F:{A:0, B:0, C:8, D:0, E:7,…
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2 answers

Use python to extract a specific line from multiple files in the same directory

I have multiple text files named ParticleCoordW_10000.dat, ParticleCooordW_20000.dat, etc... The files all look like this: ITEM: TIMESTEP 10000 ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS 1000 ITEM: BOX BOUNDS pp pp pp 0.0000000000000000e+00…
0 answers

R: uplad doc file with readtext() with Polish characters

Let's have a .doc file (DOC not DOCX!!!) containing following sentence in Polish: " Na każde 40 mg% powyżej 100 mg% dodać 1j NovoRapidu, przy glikemii poniżej 100 mg% odjąć 1j NovoRapidu od dawki wyliczonej na WW w posiłku głównym. Przekąski liczyć…
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2 answers

Is there a way to read n text files in a folder and store as n str variable?

I want to read N number of text files in a folder and store them as N number of variables. Note, input will just be folder path and number of text files in it may vary(so n). Manually i do it like below code, which needs to be completely…
soumya sharma
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0 answers

How to extract data from multiple .TXT file and store to variables

I am new to JS and I want to store the data of several .TXT files in variables (ARRAY). Here is the structure of the .TXT files: MONTH;YEAR;CUSTOMER Here is the code that I modified. The alert contains the correct data but not the variables.
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1 answer

How to import multiple text files based on titles using R?

I'm using the 'readtext' package to import multiple text files in a specific directory. library(readtext) DATA_DIR <- system.file("extdata/", package = "readtext") readtext(paste0(DATA_DIR, "/txt/UDHR/*")) My question is: is there any way to import…