Questions tagged []

Questions about ReactJS.NET, a library which helps using React from C# and ASP.NET MVC

ReactJS.NET makes it easier to use Facebook's React and JSX from C# and other .NET languages, focusing specifically on ASP.NET MVC (although it also works in other environments). It assumes you already have some basic knowledge about React. It is cross-platform and can run on Linux via Mono. Take a look at the tutorial to see how easy it is to get started with React and ReactJS.NET!

157 questions
0 answers

How to import react-document-title in app.js - React JS?

I am trying to use REACT JS in MVC 4.x Framework. I am able to set the header tag using REACT. However, I am unable to set the title of the page using REACT.JS in ASP.NET. I have tried importing DocumentTitle to set the title of the page. import…
Prawn Hongs
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0 answers

ReactJS.Net gives error hydrate is not a function when clientOnly = true on Html.React()

After upgrading Nuget package for React.Core to v3.3.0 I get the error - ReactDOM.hydrate is not a function. @Html.React("DummyComponent", props, clientOnly: true) @Html.ReactInitJavascript() serverOnly: true does not have any problem with…
1 answer

How to see actual React error in browser log in ASP.NET MVC application when using Visual Studio

I just installed ReactJS.NET in my application, and plan to use it on a single page. I am used to making applications where the "whole thing" is React (and Typescript and Webpack). However, if I simply install ReactJS.NET and import the tutorial…
Lars Holdgaard
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1 answer

ReactJs Component not showing

I'm a newbie to reactjs and trying to test a very basic component, however it seems all my struggle is futile because its not showing up in the browser. I'm using MVC 5 app and I've been following along this tutorial…
Voice Of The Rain
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1 answer

line chart by Pure react.js

I am very new to react.js, I want to use react js to prepare a line chart without using other js file. Is it possible to create one with only react.js? Examples shown in the internet has D3 components, chart.js and so on. I am not sure if these are…
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2 answers

can this.props be used to style the div tag?

I would want to use the this.props data in the div tag. i have the color in the data which i would want to set dynamically . Would it be possible to use this.props in the div tag? var cont = { height: "90px", width: "20%", background:…
  • 105
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1 answer

How can I use "import" in my ASP.NET MVC ReactJS project?

Being new to both ReactJS and ASP.NET MVC, I am having trouble using the import key word for including my anyComponent.jsx files. I have only figured out two options: Use a script tag on the index.cshtml page Leave all components in one file In my…
1 answer + Redux

I'm planning to start a project with ReactJs.Net. At work, I work with MVC 5 and vs2015. I choose ReactJs.Net mostly because I want to take advantage of it's server-side rendering. I also want to use Redux for managing app state. Yet, I…
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0 answers

Pack and expose react components in webpack based on filesystem information

I am using with Webpack and I am trying to load all components which are in the same folder/subfolder as my index.js //Components/index.js var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var process = require("process"); var…
Fabian S
  • 103
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2 answers

How can I access web.config settings from

I'm trying to access some web config settings from some components. I need these on loading of the application, but the docs on leave a lot to be desired. Does anyone know how this might be accomplished? Yes, I could have…
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1 answer

webpack with react.js aspnet - 'global' and 'exports' undefined

I am trying to get a react application working with aspnet and I am using webpack. This is my webpack config var path = require('path'); var webpack = require('webpack'); var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); var pkg =…
Derek Lawrence
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0 answers

ReactJS.NET is not initialized correctly when using IIS Express

I'm using ReactJS.NET (version 3.0.0) to render/initialize client-side components in an MVC application, but upon calling the Html.ReactInitJavaScript() helper method I get the following exception at run-time: [TinyIoCResolutionException: Unable to…
Omer Bokhari
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2 answers

How can I render the react app with redux using the ReactJS.NET?

I have created the Single page application where I have used the React, Redux and React-Router. I want to render this SPA using ReactJS.NET for improve perfomance of loading the application. The SPA is compiled as one Bundle.js using Webpack. I have…
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1 answer

Initial state from component to store with server side rendering

Application A will post data to application B which will be the initial state for Application B. To do this I am making use of Reactjs.Net Application B will receive initial data as Post data from Application A. I need to set this post data as…
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1 answer - are react-text tags required when rendered?

I have been following this tutorial and all works great. However in the final output source, I get the following comment tags, why is the text wrapped around the react-text tags, are they required…
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