Questions tagged [react-router-relay]

react-router-relay is a tool used for integrating the react-router library into a Relay.js environment. Use this tag when using the react-router-relay library in your project.

react-router-relay (not to be confused with react-router) is a tool used when integrating the react-router library into a Relay.js environment.

react-router-relay will automatically generate a combined Relay query config with all queries and parameters from the active React Router routes, then pass down the query results to each of the route components.

Useful links

react-router-relay on GitHub

react-router-relay on npm

Related tags

46 questions
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Callback when route is completely rendered

The onUpdate callback of router seems to be called when rendering is initiated, is there any other way to call a function after all the components are rendered? Something alike ReactDOM.render callback...
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Invalid prop/context `relay`

I did a fresh npm install and suddenly am getting the following error warning.js?8a56:44 Warning: Failed context type: Invalid prop/context relay supplied to Relay(FilesPage), expected undefined to be an object conforming to the RelayEnvironment…
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GraphQL with React Router Relay: Expected type Int, found String for numeric route

I have the following Router and routes using the react-router-relay package ReactDOM.render(
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Nested Routes in react-router-relay

I'm running into some trouble with react-router-relay and nested routes. I have a router setup like the following:
Chris Martin
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how to call multiple queries inside relay fragments?

export default Relay.createContainer(Component,{ initialVariables :{ state:null }, fragments:{ store :() => Relay.QL` fragment on Store { stateInfo(state : $state){ //Repeat taking a state value from a list ["AZ","AK"...} …
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Relay's Inject Network Layer Not Being Recognized as a Function in a React App

I am following along a tutorial called "Building and Deploying a Full-Stack React Application", and in the chapter "Injecting the Relay Network Layer" there is in index.js, an attempt to set up a network layer, and the program compiles…
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Handling query failures in react-router-relay

I am new to Relay and am working on a small project using react-relay/classic with react-router-relay. I am trying to decide the best way to implement simple error handling for the case where a query fails. I am just looking for a "catch all" system…
Phil Bellamy
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Relay router, deprecate fetch on first render

I have met next issue. In my app I use relay, custom network layer and relay-router For plain route I declare query, that fetch some data: const ViewerQuery = { viewer: Component => Relay.QL` query { viewer { …
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Creating new Type Definitions for react-router-relay

I want to create Typescript definitions for react-router-relay but the extending nature of react-router-relay is giving me a hard time. react-router is exposing a Router Component with some properties, also including a render property.…
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Relay generating invalid query after using `setVariables`-- am I doing something wrong?

For some reason, if I generate a root query which takes in parameters before injecting the child component, like so: import Relay from 'react-relay'; export default { production: (Component) => Relay.QL` query { getProduction(id:…
0 answers

Combining queries in nested react-router-relay routes

I have a schema with a viewer as topmost root element and all other data under it: the viewer has a list of users and supplies a single user(id). There is no other element in my root query. My root component has defined following routes:
Michael Hilus
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Accessing a url parameter to use in a query using react-router-relay

I am using react-router and react-router-relay to handle routing on my app. I am having a problem trying to access the id param that is passed in the url path. What is the correct way to do this? routes.js import CreativeQuery from…
0 answers

How to avoid multiple node queries?

I have 3 pages (components using react-router-relay) in my app, ProductList, ProductDetail and BrandList. To illustrate the problem, let me walk through the flow and leave the code at the bottom. First I go to ProductList and see the list of…
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Relayjs performance really bad, setVariables

Does anyone know what causes these huge blocking functions in Relay when making requests? I have a search box that calls setVariables and it's immensely noticeable. It's much better in production. Still curious though
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Relay transform error - Unexpected character "\u2028"

Since upgrading React and Babel, I'm getting this error in one of my files. It is clearly a phantom error as everything worked fine before and this file wasn't changed at all. Does anyone have a clue what is happening here and how I can fix it? The…
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