Questions tagged [react-router-dom]

Use this tag for questions regarding DOM use and bindings of React Router v4, v5, and v6.


React Router DOM is a package that contains all the DOM bindings for React Router. That includes things such as HashRouter and BrowserRouter which are specific to DOM use for the browser.


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3682 questions
1 answer

React Redux and react-router-dom

I am learning Redux, and with the new changes in react-router-dom I am a bit confused. I have these files: Index.js import React from 'react'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; // import { AppContainer }…
Kaiser Soze
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1 answer

Access to router directly by typing it's address on the address bar in react-router

There is two "main" way to use react-router (V4); The first way is using hash router which you can access directly to an address by typing it on browser's address bar but you must add a # to URL, another way is using BrowserRouter which has a pretty…
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1 answer

DOMException: Failed to execute 'replaceState' on 'History': A history state object with URL

In react app getting below error when opening cached version of webpage on google. DOMException: Failed to execute 'replaceState' on 'History': A history state object with URL 'https://projecturl' cannot be created in a document with origin…
1 answer

In Typescript, what is type PoorMansUnknown = {} | null | undefined and how would you deal with it?

Can someone please help me understand the meaning of the following type declaration... type PoorMansUnknown = {} | null | undefined; It is a TypeScript declaration and I have come across it in the context of the history package. I have searched…
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3 answers

How can I use history.push('path') in react router 5.1.2 in stateful component?

How can I use history.push('path') in react router 5.1.2 in stateful component (class component)? I found this, but it is a solution for a stateless component. import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom"; function App() { let history =…
Adam Gajdečka
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1 answer

Remove event listener manually react hooks

I have a scroll event listener and I want to remove it based on page URL, how can I handle it using in a hook component? useEffect(() => { function handleScrollEvent() { if (window.scrollY > 100) { setHeaderIsVisible(true); …
Hadi Ranjbar
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2 answers

static website hosted in s3: pages return 404 after refresh

With this bucket policy: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource":…
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1 answer

Unsubscribe from event listener react hooks

In a class-based react component you could simply do; componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.resizeHandler); } Although I am unsure how to do this in a Function Based Component with React Hooks? In my application, I…
6 answers

Proper way of handling conditional component render depending on route?

I searched a lot on the Web and SO, asked in reactiflux chat, but didn't found a clean and non-hack-looking way of rendering some component depending of route/path. Let's say I have the
which should be shown on some pages and should be…
3 answers

ReactJS - Handle POST requests using react router dom

Is there a way to handle POST requests using the react-router-dom (npm) library? Why? The payment gateway will redirect the user, who successfully payed, back to the platform. I can use a GET or POST request to transfer data with the redirection…
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3 answers

How to handle empty URL parameter in react router dom (4.xx)

I have route defined as below : It works fine. For example localhost:3000/result/cat page works. But when the user decided to remove the :searchTerm from the URL and opens just…
Jithesh Kt
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1 answer

React Router DOM — How to include a navigation bar on every page?

I have this code in my App.js component: render() { return (
Abdullah Hamzic
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1 answer

React+redux-form - redirect after submit

I am using react-router-dom v4 . How can I redirect to the page after form submit success? I followed that tutorial LINK . Then I created my own submit function : const submit=({email='',password=''})=>{ let error={}; let isError=false; …
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4 answers

How to dynamically use react routing

I have a application where I have two logins one for superAdmin and other for 'Admin'. I have several pages One which is common (home page) both users have excess to that. then I have several other pages which are some for admin and others are for…
6 answers

Protected route with react router v6

What is correct way to write a ProtectedRoute with new version 6 of react-router? I wrote this one, but it's not a route const PrivateRoute = ({ component: Component, ...props }) => { if (!Component) return null; return…
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