Questions tagged [react-native-device-info]

29 questions
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React Native Pixel Density issue with Pixel 2 XL (react-native-device-info)

Apparently when you set your device's display size to small react-native-device-info library thought that it's a tablet and according to that all the layouts and everything starting to act like tablets and my images aren't visible anymore. Does…
Mertcan Diken
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Invariant Violation: Module JSTimers is not a registered callable module(calling callTimers).Issue due to device-info package in lerna setup

React Native version: 0.64.0 Steps To Reproduce [Repo-code] Please use above link and follow the steps described in README. Expected Results The App should work when we are clicking on Track buttons.…
1 answer

React native android app crashes in assemble release build when use react-native-device-info module

In debug build it is working fine but when in release apk build, when run it only display splash screen then it crashes. I tried many technics and look the related issue in the forum to fix it, did not work.
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can all react-native libraries work on andoid 4.1(api 16)?

i am new to react-native , i am trying to target as many devices as possible. i understand that react-native works on minimum android api level 16. but when i am using external libraries such as react-native-device-info , is it guaranteed that they…
0 answers

How to get DeviceInfo and DeviceId in React js web application Not React-Native Application

I have Installed React-native-device-info API in my React js project. But when running npm start command in command prompt it was throwing error like " Module not found: Can't resolve 'react-native' in…
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React native target Samsung Galaxy S7

My styling is broken on Samsung Galaxy S7 - I am using react-native-device-info is there a way I can target the Samsung S7 so I can conditionally set the styling? When I try and use DeviceInfo.getDeviceId() and my emulator it gives me Ùnknown import…
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React native android not compiling with react-native-device-info

I'm getting the following error when I try to build the project using $ react-native run-android. > Task :react-native-device-info:compileDebugJavaWithJavac…
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Does react-native-device-info `getUniqueId()` give UUID or GUID?

In my React Native app, I have to pass a unique ID to an API endpoint, and I've been told that it has to be a GUID. What I want to know is: 1) Does the getUniqueId() method in react-native-device-info give a GUID? 2) I've seen another module…
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After removing the RCTWebView from react.xcodeproj again it adding in the project auomatically

I got a deprecated error while uploading the build to testflight, because of the UIWebView. So I have removed the RCTWebView.m, RCTWebView.h, RCTWebViewManager.m, RCTWebViewManager.h and then I not found the UIWebview for some time. But here again…
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React Native: How can I use the DeviceInfo isTablet() method to conditionally apply a style to an element?

I am trying to adapt the design of my app to tablet and one way to detect if the app is running on a tablet is by using the DeviceInfo module in particular the isTablet() method. How can I use this method to conditionally apply styles to an…
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Set and get app version name and app version code for react-native-web application

Is there a way to set an app version and build number for a react-native-web app? I am currently using react-native-web for an app (for IOS, Android and Web). I am also using react-native-device-info. Currently for web when I…
Florin Dobre
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Has anyone managed to make react-native-device-info with react-native 0.58?

I am trying to get the deviceid with react-native-device-info. I started with an empty expo project which I ejected. I imported the library, I also linked it. But then I get gradle errors in android studio. Have anyone managed to make it working.…
Tax Raoul
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getDeviceName does not return device name on android

I'm using react-native-device-info to get device name. But getDeviceName returns unknown in Android. It's working good in iOS. version: react-native-device-info: 0.25.0, Any help is much appreciated. thanks!
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Does getUniqueID() from react-native-device-info can ever change?

I have a few questions: 1.Does getUniqueID() from react-native-device-info library can ever change? Or it’s staying the same all the time If it can change what parameter that his unique for the device from react-native-device-info library can’t be…
Tal Shani
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