Questions tagged [react-context]

React Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level.

Official React Context Docs

1056 questions
1 answer

React Provider Pattern, prop not updating in child component

So i have written a provider to pass strings to any part of my application. The issue i have is that if i add a strings prop to my child component it overrides the entire prop and seems to ignore the merge i do in connector Provider import {…
Tim Smart
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1 answer

react-redux connect giving undefined props

I am working with react-redux for state management and passing state store using provider but I dont know why it is comming as undefined in the consumer part my provider component render(){ return (
1 answer

"If" statement in React Context API

How can I use "if" statement in Context.Consumer? I need to check if context.state.showLoginBox is true, then show the div below. class LogInBox extends Component { render() { return(
Ivan Burzakovskiy
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React-router-V4 render error when using ReactJS new context API

I´m trying to use React Router V4 with new React´s context API. Here is my code: class App extends Component { static propTypes = { router: PropTypes.func.isRequired, module: PropTypes.string.isRequired, sideMenuConfig:…
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Possible to use React's new Context API programmatically?

I'm trying to have 1 big global state where I can perform actions, but I don't want all those actions to live in the same file. I want to break actions out to their own files and abstract with a changeState function (like a reducer), but I'm not…
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Understanding how we can avoid passing props through many levels of component hierarchy in ReactJS

I was going through ReactJS docs. On the page explaining Contexts, I came across following: If you only want to avoid passing some props through many levels, component composition is often a simpler solution than context. For example, consider a…
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I'm using context api and i'm getting this error and i don't have idea what todo

import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import './index.css'; import {StateProvider} from './StateProvider'; import App from './App'; import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals'; import reducer from './reducer'; import {…
0 answers

How to set current user with data from graphql query

I'm trying to set admin with data.currentAdmin from export const AuthContextProvider: FC = ({ children }) => { const [admin, setAdmin] = useState(null); const [currentAdmin, { data }] = useCurrentAdminLazyQuery(); const…
1 answer

How to make Jest test for hook without UI

I have the next hook const useFetch => { let { state, dispatch } = useContext(AppContext); const fetch1 = async () => { ...code to fetch data (mocked) } const fetch2 = () => { ... } return { fetch1, fetch2, ... …
1 answer

How to test function which call api?

How to test a function which call get API and output a response. I tried but I am able to test initial data which is in state , but I want to know how to test the function which updates the initial state when the API is called . code Example what I…
3 answers

React - How to apply multiple values from an object using context

I use a color theme in my project for this, I used a React context to pass the value in several components, everything worked fine for me until I decided to add another property inside the object in order to apply different colors to different…
1 answer

React - How to access hook value using Context

I have a LessonThemes component I want to access the color value using Context. I have a Test component, I want to import the LessonThemes component inside the Test component and access the color value in the Test component using the React Context,…
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useState array not updated when invoking function from another screen

I'm trying to add items to an array saved as a local state (using useState) through a function that is sent to another screen as a navigation param. Assume i have ScreenA which looks: ScreenA = () => { const[obj,setObj] =…
1 answer

Component not re-rendering after waiting for react context

I am checking to see if isFetchingData then don't render yet but its not re-rendering once isFetchingData is set to false. I have the useEffect in the context and i would hope that would re-render once isFetchingData is set to false. Any ideas? When…
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1 answer

Updating a single item in React context state

So I have a Context of the following format: class UserProvider extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.initialize = (details) => { this.setState(state => { //Setting each item…
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