Questions tagged [rails-routing]

The component of the Ruby on Rails framework responsible for mapping between HTTP requests and application resources (including static files and controller actions).

955 questions
1 answer

change the parameters of url if it contains space within

For example I have written a route like get '/post/:name' If name have some value like my first post and I want to change the value of param abc to 'my-first-post'. please help.
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events/[event_id]/attendances in rails

I'm building an events application, and I want to be able to retrieve each event's attendances by hitting an endpoint structured as in the question title: events/[event_id]/attendances. How do I declare such a route in routes.rb?
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Log and control ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches

Very often, we get hits to non-existing urls like phpadmin.php, admin.php, testproxy.php and so on. We would like to capture such non exsiting url and avoid raising rails error but a decent 404. What is the best way to achieve this in Rails 4? Thank…
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How can I scope a resource so that the path helpers are scoped?

Super simple goal that doesn't seem to be well documented, I'd like to scope a resource & have the path (& url) helpers generate the scoped paths. ie: scope :info do resources :publications end publications_path =>…
Camden Narzt
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Rails: NoMethodError(s). Can't access pages

I keep getting a NoMethodError regardless of where I try and go. Going to http://localhost:3000/ gives me an undefined method new_movie_rentals_path' error. And going somewhere such as http://localhost:3000/movies/5/rentals/new (and there should be…
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form submit in rails not working, possible routing/path error unsure why?

I am trying to submit a form in rails that is just a pdf uplaod (using paperclip). There is something wrong with either my form, controller or model and i am not sure which. this is my form: <%= form_for @yearguide, :html => { :multipart => true }…
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preview page signup redirecting to another static page error

I have a preview page up with a form that takes in emails(@premails). I've created a model & migration for this. I have a pages controller with a Home, About & Contact actions and corresponding views. After they submit their email on the Home page,…
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In rails routes, nested resources is causing white screen

I have two models: Schedule and Project. Schedule belongs_To Project and Project has_one schedule. The routes for schedule and Project are nested like this: get 'projects/current', to: 'projects#show_current', as:…
2 answers

error in routing

When I open http://localhost:3000/users I'm getting following routing error: No route matches {:action=>"req", :controller=>"friendship", :id=>""} How to solve this? Inside users/index.html.erb :
    <% @users.each do |user|…
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1 answer

No route matches?

I'm getting a "No route matches" exception in one of my tests (and using curl from the command line) one of my routes (POST /users/confirm). The curl's I've tried are as follows, neither of them work and receive the same exceptions outlined in the…
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