Questions tagged [] is a file which holds references to project resources. It is automatically generated by the Android Development Toolkit during project compilation. is auto-generated on build. Its content is based on the resource files (including layouts and preferences). If you delete it, it will be recreated, but if you create your own, you will get into trouble as the build system will not replace it.

617 questions
1 answer

Cannot resolve symbol 'R' please help me

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); Toolbar toolbar =…
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1 answer

Android Programming with Java, how to use

studio to create an android app that adds a string from an editText with an id of input and displays it into textView with an id of output. But EditText input = EditText(findViewById(; and TextView output =…
2 answers

remoteViews.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingIntent);

I bought the shittiest book "EVER" to learn android programming. It's the : Android App Development For Dummies, 3rd Edition I assure you, it's not for "dummies"! My question is: (This is a part of a widget…
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2 answers

how to solve id on android

I added an ID like this android:id="id/user name" with a space and now I have a compiler error in my file. This is the report…
1 answer

How to link images in android application?

I am creating an android application. I have added four images each to be given four separate links, now when I am trying to link the images as per the below code, i am getting errors. Please guide me. ImageView img =…
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1 answer

Fields keep disappearing in

This is the story. I had a bunch of problems with and i'm finally solving them. R.Java didn't regenerate until i created a new project and copied the old codes in the new one and finally wanted to regenerate and keep in my project when…
2 answers

"variable" cannot be resolved to a variable

I am trying to follow a tutorial in creating an xmpp chat. However, it kept showing "R cannot be resolved to a variable". After I inserted, the error moved to all variables. SAying that all variables cannot be resolved to a…
1 answer

Fixing string name in eclipse

I've just started programming for Android in Eclipse. I used polish letter "ą" in string name and now compiler returns error, since it doesn't know "ą". Unfortunately I can't change the name of this string or delete it. Whenever I try, the system…
1 answer

R cannot be resolved to a variable cant clean project

i already posted this question earlier this week, and still no luck and no answer to why im getting this. i cant even clean the project because i get this error: [2012-07-22 19:34:09 - CannonGame] W/ResourceType( 2808): Bad XML block: header size…
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3 answers

R cannot be resolved to a variable error when setting background

I am making an app in which I set an image as the background but when I set this image as the background the file disappears and I get the "R cannot be resolve to a variable error" EDIT:None of the usual "R cannot be resolved to a variable"…
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3 answers

Cannot resolve symbol R. [Tried all the solutions mentioned]

I am making an Android app. Due to some reasons, my current project files got all messed up. To solve this issue I created a new project in Android Studio and copied the files from the previous project to this new project. I carefully copied all the…
Nishat sAyyed
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1 answer

how to overcome this exception?

i tried to execute this code but it is not running and getting the following error "Exception in thread "main"" and i don't know how to overcome.. class Showoccupancy{ public static void main(String args[])…
4 answers

How to replace only IP in url string in file

How to Replace only Ip in the below string in file with java file operation var BOSH_URL = "";
Dinesh Dabhi
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1 answer

Eclipse don't want create in new project?

I'm using Eclipse juno and i have installed all plugs in. Everything was working fine, but this morning when i opened my project there wasn't I tried to create new project but in New project was missing also. I tried everything(clean…
1 answer file - ";" is expected with space in resource name

I'm pretty sure I (at least intentionally) haven't done anything to the code in, but I am getting a compiler error, saying that a ";" is expected. In R there is a line: public static final int phone number=0x7f0b0061; where the word "number"…
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