Questions tagged [question-answering]

Question Answering is the computer task of mechanically answering questions posed in natural language. (Please do not use this tag to indicate that you have a question and want an answer. That's already implied).

For more information, see:

164 questions
1 answer

NLP : Get 5 best candidates from QuestionAnsweringPipeline

I am working on a French Question-Answering model using huggingface transformers library. I'm using a pre-trained CamemBERT model which is very similar to RoBERTa but is adapted to french. Currently, i am able to get the best answer candidate for a…
1 answer

cannot import name 'DISTILBERT_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_MAP' from 'transformers.modeling_distilbert'

I am trying to train the distil BERT model for Question Answering purpose. I have installed simple transformers and everything but when I try to run the following command: model = QuestionAnsweringModel('distilbert', …
1 answer

Tensorflow - Keras disconnected graph

Tensorflow Version: 2.x Python: 3.7.4 Disconnected graph: I am trying to replicate the below model architecture, but right part seems to be disconnected when I tried to plot the model in Keras. I already passed the hidden matrices HQ(For question)…
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What does BERT's special characters appearance in SQuAD's QA answers mean?

I'm running a fine-tuned model of BERT and ALBERT for Questing Answering. And, I'm evaluating the performance of these models on a subset of questions from SQuAD v2.0. I use SQuAD's official evaluation script for evaluation. I use Huggingface…
0 answers

Questions generation in question answering +NLP

I have a dataset (around 3K to 4K) excel files, each of them has around more or less 12K records which are combinations of FAQs, Email Conversations, comments from the blogs, chats etc. Best part is, it has 2 columns one for Questions and another…
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Chatbot that will answer from the given Information/Documents

I want to make a chatbot that will answer the questions based on the given document. E.g, if I have hundreds of documents and I want to get some information from it but don't know which information is on which line of the page so I have to spend…
Haseeb Ali
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How to build input to predict with saved model for BERT SQuAD2.0 with tensorflow

I am trying to build the input for the saved model from BERT-SQuAD given that I have got all the elements for the input. I fine-tuned a question answering model by running of in Google bert, then I exported the model with…
1 answer

Solr: how to type questions search?

I'm new to solr and I'm trying to build up a Question Answering system. I have indexed some Wikipedia pages, for example Nikola Tesla. My question is: It is possible and how to type a query as a question in…
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algorithm to google questions with three answers

I'm currently working on a little project where I get one question and three answers and one of them is correct. I need to find this one. Right now I make a request to google and search in the source code of the results for each answer.…
Michi Gruber
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4 answers

Building a closed domain QA system using LSTM

My objective is to build a closed domain question answering system from a set of documents containing knowledge about the domain. I have gone through a bunch of research papers which implement such a system using Recurrent Neural Networks (mostly,…
0 answers

How to get answers to natural language questions from freebase?

I have massive amounts of natural language questions in the format of "Subject-entity [tab] relationship [tab] Object-entity [tab] question" as follows: …
randy newfield
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LIBSVM data fomat for categorical data

I am doing project on question classification using SVM. Given a question, the system must be able to allocate the class to question. For eg for the question “Where is Tajmahal located?” the task of question classification is to assign label…
1 answer

How can I build a qa system to answer yes or no

I would like to build a question answering system that it can answer only yes or no . Suppose that I have got a question and a text file . In the text file , there are 4-5 snippets . With these snippets i could answer the question . So , I would…
1 answer

how to get short natural answers from internet?

Does it exists a version from google or wikipedia or other servers offering short answers to you questions? I'm coding an assistant like Siri and I'd like to be able to ask him who is the president of the united states and get something like: Barak…
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3 answers

My program not returning the value of months

What do I have to use to store months as a variable? When I run the code it says "warning character constant too long for its type". I have created a program to check how many days are in the given month so I take a value from the user and put it…
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