Questions tagged [qmake]

`qmake`, part of the Qt framework, is a tool for generating Makefiles and IDE project files.

qmake, part of the Qt framework, is a multi-platform tool for generating GNU Makefiles, Microsoft Visual Studio project files, and Apple XCode project files from a common .pro project file.

Among other features specific to the Qt framework, qmake automates the process of running moc on source files that contain the Q_OBJECT macro.

qmake manual can be found here for Qt 4.8 and here for Qt 5.

1727 questions
1 answer

qmake post shell encoding (doesn't convert to cp866)

I have script, binded to QMAKE_POST_LINK in my .pro file. So it using iscc for creating installer after release build. Some app variables like name, publisher are storing in this .pro file and passing as arguments to iscc like iscc "/DName=Мое…
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How make Qt app not append D when trying to linking to my library

I have a Qt app & a few libraries built using .pro file in each. When building for windows, I want to build my app in debug mode & hence link to debug versions of my libraries. All if this here is static linking. I build the debug versions of my…
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QT build QWidget, QObject Errors

Working on a fairly large chunk of code written by someone else and I am not super familiar with QT, but I haven't had success with recent debugging. After working great, I added 3 lines, then commented them all out and when testing got many more…
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How to detect target iOS architecture in qmake?

I have a Qt Version that supports following ABI's (Qt Creator → Preferences → Build & Run / Qt Versions): arm-macos-generic-mach_o-32bit arm-macos-generic-mach_o-64bit x86-macos-generic-mach_o-32bit x86-macos-generic-mach_o-64bit So, combining in…
Dmitry Sokolov
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Building QML applications from command line (without Qt Creator)

I'm writing a QML application using Qt 5.7 on Ubuntu 14.04. I prefer to use an editor other than Qt Creator, so it makes it slightly cumbersome to launch Qt Creator and switch to it just to press Ctrl-R each time I want to run. I'd like to compile…
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qmake Language, read value from text file, possible?

Here I have a Qt plugin project. In the .pro project file I have TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget(pluginname) Where pluginname will be the name of the artifact produced by the build (.dll/.so/.dylib). As it is, the name is hard coded. I would like to…
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0 answers

QMake - only include directories from pkg-config / don't add libs from pkg-config

In CMake, I can write something like: find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) pkg_search_module(GERBV REQUIRED libgerbv) include_directories(${SOME_INCLUDE_DIRS};${GERBV_INCLUDE_DIRS}) ... target_link_libraries(someProject gerbv) And therefore I…
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2 answers

Linking to wrong library version in a C++ application

I'm troubleshooting a C++ binary on RHEL/CentOS 5, which has problems with the openssl shared libraries. I don't do much C/C++ programming, and I'm having trouble finding the root issue. What seems to be going wrong is that the application is…
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1 answer

Where does qmake look for pri files?

I have the following setup (using qt 5.6.1-1): qtbase/bin ... qtbase/mkspecs ... qtdeclarative/mkspecs When trying to build qtquickcontrols I get the following error: qmake make Some of the required modules (qtHaveModule(quick)) are not…
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Converting cmake project to qmake

I am trying to convert a rather simple CMakeLists.txt to a qmake project. The project compiles fine but I can't get the output I want (the program files are the same!). It shouldn't be a big deal, but I have spent the whole day and can't seem to…
0 answers

qmake and system variables - Linux vs. Windows

This is a follow up to this previous question of mine. Here is the (simplified) location in that qmake script that causes problems (I'm currently testing only this particular library but I've also checked and the same issue is present with the…
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qmake Language reserved word issue (I think)

To give a little context, I'm in the business of packing an executable with static plugins ( In Windows, I do: LIBS = -L../../plugins -lrawplugin LIBS = -L../../plugins…
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1 answer

QMake finds library in designated folder however linker doesn't

The state of the project I'm trying to integrate the QVTKWidget in a qmake Qt 5.7 project and thus provide my application with some nice support for 3D surface plot charts (the 2D chart feature is currently handled by Qwt but I might switch to VTK's…
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2 answers

qmake subdirs optional target/sub project

I wondering if there is such a thing like optional targets or sub project in qmake, the Qt build tool. Project In my test example I have a subdirs project which contains another two projects, one shared library and one basic application. The…
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How to know in a Qt .pro file if visual studio is the compiler?

Is there a way to know if Visual Studio is the compiler in a .pro file? For example there are a lot of ways to detect things in the project file including OS or configuration: CONFIG(boost_asio) { DEFINES += BOOST_SOCKETS SOURCES +=…
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