Questions tagged [qlabel]

The QLabel widget, part of the Qt framework, provides a text or image display.

No user interaction functionality is provided. The visual appearance of the label can be configured in various ways, and it can be used for specifying a focus mnemonic key for another widget.

The official Qt documentation can be found here for Qt 4.8 and here for Qt 5.

579 questions
1 answer

Set text format on Qlabel on a number

I am writing my first application on Qt. So far, to display any text on a QLabel I was using the following to set the format and the text: ui->lat_UAV_label->setText(QString("
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1 answer

creating Qlabels with dynamic name at run time

#in this example len(list) is 5 i=0 while i < len(list): label=q_label_i #creating a name for the label self.label=QLabel() # grid.addWidget(self.label,i ,0) # grid is a grid = QGridLayout() …
Vik G
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1 answer

I can't see QLabel and QLineEdit widgets in my QMainWindow in Python2

I wrote this code and I don't understand why widgets QLabel and QLineEdit don't show up? Do I have to put them in another class? It's Python2.7 and PySide. This is how a window looks like when I run the code: #!/usr/bin/env python # coding:…
Hrvoje T
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2 answers

how to change background color of a label in QT

I am developing calculator using qt framework. I have put a label for display the entered number and answer so I want to change the color of this label. How can I do that. label = new QLabel("0",this);//label for the text inputs label ->…
2 answers

Segmentation fault when accessing the text of QLabel

I got a problem with the QLabel. I got a QtWidget with a QLabel inside. Now I want to change the text of the Label with following code: QLabel* safetyLabel = this->findChild
Da Mks
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1 answer

Pyqt5 - Zoom on a QLabel

I'm trying to apply a zoom example that I've found on this site but it uses a QGraphicsScene and a QGraphicsView while I should use a simple QLabel. This is the code but it does not work. Can I zoom on a Qlabel or is it impossible? The zoom should…
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1 answer

Is it possible to get Qlabel name from Qlabel text?

In our project, We have used Qlabels in different UIs and different classes, such as : ui->label->setText(label_ABC); We want to provide label name change access to the user. Default name already exists. If the user wants to change label name…
1 answer

How to make label text outlined AND fit the size of the label

How to make label text to be outlined (for better visibility on transparent Widget) and to be fit into label (as per function setWordWrap (True)? There are examples of how to do one or another, but never both. Basic example of static label text on…
1 answer

Program crashes when using QList of QLabel

I've made a window that opens by pressing a button. In this window, I've created a QList of 38 QLabels :QList Nombres; And I allocated it like that : for(int i = 0; i <= 38; i++) { Nombres.push_back(new…
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