Questions tagged [qiskit]

Quantum computing framework for writing programs and applications

Qiskit is a quantum computing framework for writing programs and applications, and performing quantum experiments.

120 questions
1 answer

Returning chance of qubit state as a decimal

I'm trying to run X gates on 2 qubits and then return the chance of the qubit in either state as a decimal. I've searched for answers but I haven't gotten anywhere. ##THE CODE## import math import numpy as np from qiskit import * from…
1 answer

while creating a quantum circuit I came across this dilemma, which circuit is better for binary operator

what are the advantages and disadvantages between 8 qbit register and 8 single qbit register? suppose someone created quantum register with 8 qbit and another person created 8 registers with single qbit init. what is the difference between these…
3 answers

qiskit plots not showing up in spyder console

System Informations Qiskit version: 0.17.0 Python version: 3.7.7 Operating system: Windows 10 home x64 What is the current behavior? I am using spyder 4.1.1 on Anaconda and any time I try to plot data it does not show up. The code runs with no…
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Is there an anti-control gate in Qiskit?

I started play with the Qiskit, and can't find an anti-control not there. By "anti-control" I mean the gate is executed only for these states of the superposition, where control qubit is in the Zero state. It's annoying to use a code…
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Is there any limit to execute a quantum circuit?

I am trying to build an optimization for a machine learning quantum circuit, so I need to call several times the same circuit. I am using the execute function to compile it, but the quantum function is only called about four times in the same loop…
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Could I get the detail of error from qiskit

Sometimes, I execute a circuit on the Quantum computing device (ex. ibmq_16_melbourne) and got error like 'Invalid job state. The job should be DONE but it is JobStatus.ERROR'. Could I get the detail of this error, such as the cause of a mistake or…
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How to print out whole matrix from unitary simulator

On Jupyter Notebook, I had simulated eight qubits quantum's circuit with Unitary_simulator. And then, I would like to print out the whole matrix, but what I get is matrix from unitary simulator. The code that I used is: unitary =…
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Kernel dies again and again in qiskit

I am running the following code on Qiskit using IBM Q experience's jupyter notebook here is the code : %matplotlib inline # Importing standard Qiskit libraries and configuring account from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, execute, Aer,…
1 answer

How to connect to IBMQ from Qiskit?

I have a problem with connecting on IBMQ from jupyter, by typing : from qiskit import IBMQ IBMQ.save_account('Token') IBMQ.load_account() i tried many different code but nothing worked. I uninstalled Qiskit, then i reinstall it and it still don't…
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What does this quantum circult represent? Please describe what is happening in this circuit

Circuit Diagram Result I am new to Quantum computing and having a really tough time understanding the working of Quantum Logic Gates. So, can anybody please help me with what these gates in the diagram actually do and what this circuit is doing and…
1 answer

Unexpected keyword argument 'noise_model'

The following code throws an error. Based on some issues that I read on qiskit github, it seems that it has something do with run configs vs. compile configs but I could not find any other info that will help me resolve this issue. from qiskit…
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How to install and import Qiskit_aqua?

I want to run SVM algorithm using Qiskit. For this purpose I need to import some packages from qiskit_aqua.utils. I am writing my code on Google Colaboratory. But while trying to import this package it shows me the following error.…
Protik Nag
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What does the function state_fidelity() do in Qiskit?

I am trying to solve a system of linear equation using HHL algorithm in Qiskit. I have a problem with understanding the purpose of the following function. state_fidelity() To understand this I have followed their official documentation. But it is…
Protik Nag
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2 answers

How to make an iterative quantum circuit in Qiskit?

I would like to make a code that is executed iteratively. For example: in a one-qubit system, I would like to make a measurement 100 times in each angle theta = [ 0, ..., 2π] with the circuit as follows. Can we make an iterative code as…
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How to install Qiskit with only Jupyter Notebook?

I want to use Jupyter Notebook without installing Anaconda on Ubuntu 18.04. I do not want to use any virtual environment. What can I do to install Qiskit? I have tried to install Qiskit with pip3. pip3 install qiskit This shows the following…
Protik Nag
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