Questions tagged [qfiledialog]

QFileDialog is a class from the Qt toolkit which provides a dialog allowing users to select files or directories.

Documentation can be found here (Qt4) and here (Qt5).

322 questions
1 answer

Disabling/Enabling choose button of QFileDialog based on specific criteria

I have a QFileDialog prompting the user to select a directory. I am running QT version 4.3.5. I do not have the option of upgrading either. I want the user to only be able to choose directories that contain two files with specific names. Something…
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QFileDialog to default to AppData?

In my program, I have a button that opens a getOpenFileName dialog like this: path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select region"), "%APPDATA%", tr("region file")); I want the dialog to default to the users AppData folder. All users are…
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qt5 designer, using fileopen, displaying file path in lineedit, is there an issue doing it this way?

just started using qt, looked through docs, google, examples, etc.. trying to find simple examples(working mind you) that showed how to do (imho) simple things, by themselves. well i stumbled upon my answer and i was wondering if this approach would…
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QFileDialog issue with special character

#include #include #include int main(int argc, char** argv){ QApplication app(argc, argv); QFileDialog dlg; dlg.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave); if (dlg.exec()) { qDebug() <<…
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Custom QTreeView and QFileDialog

I would like to create a custom QFileDialog that has a QTreeView with a special behaviour: I'd like the files in the directory to be represented as 1 file if they belong to such a sequence: file0.jpg file1.jpg file2.jpg ... would be represented as…
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QFileDialog - create files without an extension

I'd like to use the QFileDialog to get the name of a new directory, where I will create several configuration files. It will be nice if a directory name will not contain an extension part. How can I force a user, to do not provide the QFileDialog…
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2 answers

how to hide sidebar in QFileDialog?

I need to hide/disable the sidebar (QSidebar) in the QFileDialog. I've solved this problem using magic-woodoo with d-pointer and editing Qt source code (just like this). Is there any more simple way to do it? Thanks
2 answers

Data load infile_ python and Qfiledialog

hello i want to import data from an excel file or .txt to the database with the "load data Infile" but the path to my file contains "\" witch is not accepted by Mysql to be clear this is my PYTHON code: def parcourir(self): …
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QFileDialog under OSX dumps many errors to console

Trying to use QFileDialog under OSX 10.6.8, Qt 4.7: QFileDialog *dialog = new QFileDialog(0,tr("Load Band Recordings"),qbh,tr("Wave Files (*.wav)")); dialog->setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFiles); if (dialog->exec()) { QStringList fileNames; …
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1 answer

QFileDialog::getOpenFileName() does not work in slot function?

I created this slot: public slots: void openNSelect(); then in the function : QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,tr("select file"),"/home/",tr("text file(*.txt)")); it doesn't show me the dialog,if I write that line in some other function like…
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c++, Qt How to load a file and save loaded files as QObject in a list

This is my first question. I want to load files like *.txt files and store these files as QObject (is it even possible to save these files as QObject?) in a list for a later use. Like i open 3 *.txt files and store them as QObject in a list and…
1 answer

QFileDialog Crashes application on deleting multiple folders

Below is the code, Header File QtGuiApplication1.h #pragma once #include #include "ui_QtGuiApplication1.h" class QtGuiApplication1 : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: QtGuiApplication1(QWidget *parent =…
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Exporting as csv fits entirely in first cell

when i try to save my table (QTableWidget) as a csv file everything fits in the first cell from the excel file, how can i seperate each cell? this is my saving function: def save_text(self, table): path = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,…
1 answer

I can't save .txt file with QFileDialog, C++ QT

This is my code: void MainWindow::save(){ QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save Text File"), path, tr("Text Files (*.txt)")); if (fileName != "") { QFileInfo info(fileName); path =…
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1 answer

Click event is sent immediately after I start application (PySide and Python)

I have an application with a button for which the clicked signal is connected to a slot that opens a QFileDialog. I want to manipulate the state of the button (sender) within the slot depending on the actions taken by the user in the QFileDialog.…
Hrvoje T
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