Questions tagged [python-jira]

Actually called jira-python, this is a python library created to use with REST APIs provided by JIRA.

JIRA provides a number of REST APIs to capture or push information to JIRA. These APIs, being REST, can be used with many programming languages. JIRA-Python library makes it easier to use these APIs using Python applications.

The library was created by Ben Speakmon and can be downloaded from bitbucket.

231 questions
1 answer

Python error 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'post' jira

So I'm working with jira using their module, trying to execute issue transitions and sometimes I get this error. It happens when there are more than 2 issues in a queue (and works fine when there is one in queue) My code is: def task2(self): …
1 answer

How to assign id to a created issue with jira python?

I am using jira python to create issues through their REST api, but in the "fields" dictionary for the "project" key's dictionary, I am running into an issue when I try using "id" or "name" as keys, but it works with the "key" key. So, this…
1 answer

Python-jira sign up using google

Is that possible to use python-jira using google account to sign in? Maybe any workaround for that cause people in our company don't have jira accounts they use google
1 answer

I am using JIRA Python API to create Issue

I am using following code to create an issue : from jira import JIRA import pandas as pd user = '' apikey = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' server = '' options = {'server': server} jira =…
1 answer

I am getting error when set duedate creating issue in jira

This is my post function. I am working on jython scripting suite. from java.util import Calendar from java.util import Date import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor from com.atlassian.jira import ComponentManager from…
1 answer

Jira Python: Syntax error appears when trying to print

from jira.client import jira options = {'server': ''} jira = JIRA(options, basic_auth=('username', 'password')) issues = jira.search_issues('jqlquery') for issue in issues: print issue I want to print the output of the jql…
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