Questions tagged [python-idle]

IDLE is Python's Integrated Development and Learning Environment. It is part of the standard Python distribution.

IDLE is Python's Integrated Development and Learning Environment. It is part of the standard Python distribution. Though lightweight, it has a fairly rich feature set, including a code editor and a shell (in separate windows). It is written in Python using the tkinter toolkit.

1318 questions
2 answers

IDLE 3.5 won't open

I'm really confused. For some reason, I suddenly can't open IDLE 3.5. I have tried uninstalling it and reinstlling, but no luck. I was told to delete the folder .idlerc but it hasn't come back after constant tries. Was that a huge mistake? I have no…
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Not sure why IDLE automatically added *-* coding: utf-8 -*- to my script

Initially I installed version 3.4 of Python and then I added version 2.7 as a video course instructor was using it as well. After I opened IDLE and wrote some code, pressed F5 a meessage popped up. I accepted the message and from then on this line…
1 answer

Store input based on computer and change stored input on command

Fixed code; if os.path.isfile(external_file): with open(external_file) as in_f: name = else: name = raw_input("What's your name?") with open(external_file, "w") as out_f: out_f.write(name) The problem is. It…
1 answer

IDLE settings change, comment key change

this is not a programming question but a question about the IDLE. Is it possible to change the comment block key from '#' to something else? here is the part that is not going to work: array = [] y = array.append(str(words2)) <-- another…
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3 answers

SAME code giving DIFFERENT output in python

I tried to run this code on different python platforms got different output for same python code here are the outputs: Microsoft V.S Code=7654321.0 And python official ide=77316373.73737083 My code is, import…
1 answer

I need a separate frame, same as Python idle on tkinter window

I tried a lot to embedded the python idlw with my tkinter window. Is there any predefined module to embed idle with tkinter window? # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## Front Homepage from sklearn import linear_model import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from…
1 answer

how to sort numbers in a descending order in python?

I have the following code and I want to sort the value of metal in a descending order, I can call each number of them by using the name of the mealtal . the name that I gave for it . for example if I want to call the value of platinum I can use…
Islam MT
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PseudoCode for Python: finding an item in a list

I'm working on pseudocode for a program that will allow a single listitem to be found in a listofitems. Pseudocode is still a bit of a foreign concept to me, and I could be going about this 110% wrong... so this is the pseudocode... listofitems= [1,…
2 answers

PYTHON - text store

My last question was asked wrong. If my code is import os #hard code the path to the external file external_file = '/name.txt' #if file exists, use it to load name, else ask user if os.path.isfile(external_file): name =…
2 answers

What does it mean to "restart" a program (in my case IDLE)?

This answer on Stack Overflow offers a solution I am trying to implement. In particular, see the sections "Installation Instructions" and "How to Use". Can anyone tell me the steps required to "restart" IDLE? New Information: Just as people have…
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1 answer

Python: Entire Script 1 Tab backwards?

I want to shift back the entire code 1 tab backwards. Is that possible? What is the key commbination? I am using Idle 3.6.3 on an Mac OSX System. Thanks for the help!
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PYTHON - Uppercase and Lowercase

In my code it is; If 'Laia' in name: But how do I make it so even if they input; LaIa or laiA. No matter what case(upper or lower) it reads as the same thing.
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When calling recv() the program works very slowly

My code is: recv() functions always idling (it works very slow); it takes several seconds to get the result, and recv() should handle quickly such small amount of data.
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