Questions tagged [pypi]

The Python Package Index (PyPI) is a repository of software for the Python programming language. Do not confuse with PyPy, the language implementation.

The Python Package Index (PyPI), occasionally known as the Cheese Shop, is a repository of software for the Python programming language. Pronounced "Pie Pee Eye".

Described in PEP 301, it was inspired by similar facilities for other languages, such as Perl's CPAN. It aims to be a comprehensive catalogue of third-party Python packages, and hosts over 30,000 such packages.

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1385 questions
2 answers

difference between this marks: ‘ ’ and ' `

I'm trying to create a new library and in the example, someone uses these marks: ‘ and ’: from setuptools import find_packages, setup setup( name=’mypythonlib’, packages=find_packages(include=[‘mypythonlib’]), version=’0.1.0', …
1 answer

Setuptools installing code from git submodules

I have a Python library I am trying to package for PyPi which contains several git submodules pointing to external repositories. Something like: MyLibrary - - MyLibrary - - - - submodules …
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2 answers

Publishing modules to pip and PyPi

I have created a module using python. I want to publish it to pip and PyPi so that others can download and use it easily. How do I do it?
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1 answer

Error message when trying to run PyAudio in Visual Studio Code (Flatpak)

Linux Mint 20.1 I was about to run a python program in Visual Studio Code (Flatpak), but then I got the following error message: NOTE: You must install tkinter on Linux to use MouseInfo. Run the following: sudo apt-get install python3-tk…
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1 answer

distribution in Python 3

how to create distribution in Python 3 and how to install and upload it ? i have made two folders nester and i made a list and a setup in it. code of the list movies = [ "The Holy Grail", 1975, "Terry Jones & Terry Gilliam", 91, ["Graham…
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