Questions tagged [putty]

PuTTY is an open source SSH and Telnet client. Use this tag only if your question relates to *programming* PuTTY or using PuTTY-based APIs. Questions relating to using or troubleshooting PuTTY usage are off-topic.

PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Windows and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator.

Do not attach this tag to questions simply because you are using PuTTY to connect to a server. Indeed, unless you are developing software based on PuTTY, this tag is, probably, not appropriate. Questions about using PuTTY will generally belong to Super User.

Some features of PuTTY are:

  1. The storing of hosts and preferences for later use.

  2. Control over the SSH encryption key and protocol version.

  3. Command-line SCP and SFTP clients, called "pscp" and "psftp" respectively.

  4. Control over port forwarding with SSH (local, remote or dynamic port forwarding), including built-in handling of X11 forwarding.

  5. Emulates most xterm, VT102 control sequences, as well as much of ECMA-48 terminal emulation IPv6 support.

  6. Supports 3DES, AES, Arcfour, Blowfish, DES.

  7. Public-key authentication support (no certificate support).

  8. Support for local serial port connections.

  9. Self-contained executable requires no installation.

  10. Supports the delayed compression scheme.


  1. tagged PuTTY on Unix & Linux
  2. tagged PuTTY on SuperUser
  3. tagged PuTTY on Ask Ubuntu
  4. tagged PuTTY on Server Fault
2171 questions
1 answer

Not able to connect to my aws ec2 instance using ubuntu terminal

I am not able to connect to my ec2 instance using ubuntu terminal by ssh. I was able to connect to my instance before using same .pem file and following the same process. but now it shows Connection closed by every time. Also i am able…
Vaibhav Ajay Gupta
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1 answer

How to achieve automations with superputty?

I need to do automations like auto-login and sending repetative commands. Currently I do autologin into putty by creating a shotcut of "putty.exe" and then by editing its target under properties as belows {"putty.exe_path" -ssh @ -pw } You can…
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CSV file output to Virtual Serial (COM) port to control USB stepper motor

New to all this. Automation project: camera as input, motors as output. Using a windows PC is a requirement. I'm generating a CSV file from the camera (camera python api). Parsing the csv file, I'll move a motor until I reach a minimum value. So far…
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1 answer

Authentication is not working from PuTTY command line on ngrok

I have a Raspberry Pi set up as a download server at home. To access it from any Windows PC I download Putty and add its parent folder to the Path environment variable. When accessing it via SSH using Putty GUI or CLI from any PC on my home network,…
Patrick B
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1 answer

Getting "No X11 DISPLAY variable was set" while trying to run jar file

I'm trying to run a jar file through Putty, which is uploaded via Amazon Web Server. I've tried to change the compiler compliance level from 1.8 to 1.7. I get the error: Exception in thread "main" java.awt.HeadlessException: No X11 DISPLAY variable…
ada dudu
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1 answer

Git clone over SSH Forwarding with Windows

I would like to connect to my gitlab server from home but I am getting problems. How can I do this? Computer A <------------> Computer B <-----------------> Computer C (gitlab) What I have so far: I created a tunnel with Putty (Session)…
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1 answer

Automate Putty To Do Daily Task

I am fairly new to putty, need your help guys I would repeatedly connect to a linux server using putty almost everyday then connect to one more linux sever from within previous linux server as it contains database, then login to mysql and take a…
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1 answer

Unable to connect Public DNS of AWS

Above image consist of login error of putty and ssh connections. So I dont know the process of getting connected to my EC2 instances Question: How to connect to our instances using private_key.ppm and putty.
vivek narsale
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1 answer

Raspberry pi:send only last captured image using webcam

I have captured image using webcam and when i press button it sends mail.I use while loop as shown in below code,this code is running perfectly but problem is this program send so many image(also send earlier capured image)while we stop the program…
snehal desai
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1 answer

How to fix unexpected server closed connetion in putty

Hello please help me friends, I am trying to login to server through ssh with putty. But after setting up the hostname and putty is ready, it will allow me to type the cpanel username. But after sometimes, it shows a message box (unexpected server…
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0 answers

Sending what ASCII symbol is PuTTY's equivalent of Enter key?

(Is it carriage return \r like in C++?) When I type AT+[Enter] in PuTTY while connected to modem's COM3 port, I get the expected OK response. But when I use my (tested*) C++ program to send an AT\r (and also just AT) to the modem, I get no echo,…
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1 answer

Execute Command putty ssh

I connect with my Windows cmd to another machine with this command: putty.exe -ssh bob@ -i C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\bobPrivate.ppk -pw mypass And which option I have to add to run a single command and disconnect after that?
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1 answer

AT+CMGR retuns ok but no message

I have a Huawei K3520 that I can successfully send SMS using AT commands via putty. When I try to retrive a message using AT+CMGR=1 I get an output of OK But no message. I tried 1 though to 3. 1 & 2 get a response of ok and 3 get COMMAND NOT…
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SSIS & SFTP & Putty

I am designing an integration service to go to an SFTP location, grab an encrypted file, copy it to another server on our network and decrypt the file. Then use SSIS tasks to load it into a database. I am using an execute process task to call putty…
SQL Kohai
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0 answers

Tomee JMX on AIX

Using an IBM AIX 6.1 machine and IBM JDK, i tried to expose JMX ressource for an external use. When i try to connect to the remote UNIX machine from a windows machine using the host ip and the port used in exposure setup, VisualVM/JConsole informs…
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