Questions tagged [pushsharp]

It is a server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS/OSX (APNS), Android (GCM) and Windows (WNS).

PushSharp is a server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS/OSX (APNS), Android (GCM) and Windows (WNS).

261 questions
2 answers

Is it possible to send bold text in JSON push notification body using Firebase Cloud Messaging?

I am using Firebase Cloud Messaging to send push notification to IOS and Android devices. I would like to send some text in message body, which has a part of it bold. That's how my JSON looks like now for android push notifications: { "message":{ …
3 answers

Pushsharp send apple notification failed : SSL Stream Failed to Authenticate as Client

I trying to send push notification to apple devices using Pushsharp library on ASP.NET MVC project hosted on IIS. My code : public static void SendAppleNotification() { // Configuration (NOTE: .pfx can also be used here) …
Mohammad Ghanem
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GCM notifications stop arriving after a few weeks

We have an Android app we use to send content (tech articles, walk-through guides, etc.) to our users using GCM. We're monitoring the sending at two points using a REST call to some service: Immediately after our servers send a…
1 answer

Structuring GCM messages in PushSharp 4.0

I'm somewhat confused in how I'm supposed to structure the message body for a GCM push notification using PushSharp. The docs as well as the test files in the GitHub repo show what looks to be the message structure as this: …
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Device Subscription Expired - Fix

I am using PushSharp library to send Push Notification to my Xamarin.Android App. Each time while launching the app, I am checking GCM registration and if registration expires, I am sending the device token to server. Sometimes I am getting Device…
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Push Notification using C# Push Sharp library is not working on production server

After certificate is generated, I've only exported the private key (without the certificate) in Keychain access, exported as .p12 and used the file, and it was not worked. I've exported only certificate and exported as .p12 and used the file, and it…
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1 answer

APNS Legacy Support

What is the road map for support on the APNS Legacy and enhanced binary interface? (When will it no longer work?) I am currently using PushSharp which appears to use the enhanced binary interface, but does not support the newest interface. ref:…
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3 answers

PushSharp Exception : The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized

I'm getting the below exception for IOS Push Notification using Pushsharp.I searched many articles but didn't get clear idea how to proceed.. Andoid working fine only problem with this IOS. Exception: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception…
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PushSharp: Authentication Failed GCM

I know that there's a similar post of this but I still have the problem. I'm using the PushSharp library. When I send pushes locally it works fine. The push is received on my mobile. But on my QA server I'm getting the "Authentication Failed"…
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1 answer

Xamarin Forms and PushSharp

I am developing a Xamarin Forms project which targets iOS and Android. Because I want to have push notifications, I came across PushSharp. In this video (around 25 - 30 min):, the developer have a iOS…
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1 answer

PushSharp GCM "Authentication Failed"

I have been using PushSharp for Apple notifications for some time in both a web service and a windows service without any issues. On adding the code for Google GCM, it works perfectly fine on my web service and a console app I converted the service…
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1 answer

CryptographicException in WCF with PushSharp

I have a WCF service to send push notification to IOS device using APNS. I use the following code with using PushSharp. I got an error at the "RegisterAppleService" step. The error explanation is: "CryptographicException was unhandled by user…
2 answers

Sending messages to iPhone : PushSharp or SignalR

A web application acts as a backend to process request coming from the iPhone. To send messages to iPhone from web application while processing a request(e.g., for payment), I want to send messages to iPhone when something interesting happens on the…
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1 answer

iOS Notifications not sent using PushSharp. No event is raised either

I am trying to use PushSharp to send notification to various devices. My Server-side app registers notifications to send to a table in MSSQL, so that another app (Bot) will process those notifications and send them to Apple servers. I am using the…
Umar Jamil
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1 answer

Safari website notification not working (PushSharp)

I'm using PushSharp library for pushing iOS notifications (it's live for last half year) and now I'm trying to extend functionality to new Mac OS Maverick feature ( . Seems that PushSharp (…
Mike Keskinov
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