Questions tagged [push-notification]

Push notifications are alerts, badges, or sounds which are pushed to a mobile device from a remote server. Apple delivers push notifications via the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS). Android devices receive push notifications via the Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) service. In the past, Android devices used the Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM) framework. Windows Phone apps receive push notifications either via MPNS or the newer WNS.

Push notifications are alerts, badges, sounds and/or data which are pushed to a mobile device from a remote server.

  • In , push notifications are delivered via Apple's Apple Push Notification Service (), triggered by a message from developers' servers to Apple's APN servers, which in turn push the message to iOS devices. Apple first released push notifications in iOS 3.0. Push notifications should not be confused with local notifications, which are a way for an app to post a notification to a device locally, with no interaction with push notification servers. New in , you can add flags to push notifications to make them silent or to trigger a background fetch.

  • In , push notifications are delivered via Firebase Cloud Messaging (). (Previously called Google Cloud Messaging ()). This replaces Google's Android Cloud to Device Messaging Framework ().

  • Push Notifications for Windows Store apps are delivered via the Windows Push Notification Service (), which enables third-party developers to send toast, tile, badge, and raw updates from their own cloud service.

  • Push Notifications for Amazon devices running (Kindle tablets, Fire TV and Fire TV Stick) are delivered via the Amazon Device Messaging () service.


17860 questions
2 answers

Flutter - Firebase Cloud Messaging, Data Message is not received on iOS

Notification handler void firebaseCloudMessagingListeners() { _firebaseMessaging.configure( onMessage: (Map message) async { print('onMessage ==> $message'); messageHandler(message); }, …
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Apple VOIP Push notification server

So, i'm developing a IOS VOIP app, and find out that i need to use a Push notification server to make my app work on background to receive incoming calls and etc. I searched and dont find anything about how can i set-up, develop, use, find about, a…
1 answer

FCM ID vs FCM Token vs APNS Token

I'm trying to send notification to specific users on my cordova application using cordova-plugin-firebasex which is a fork of cordova-plugin-firebase with fixs and improvement. I'd like to know what are the differences between FCM Id, FCM Token, and…
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flutter: android manifest doesn't read kotlin file (Application.kt)

I'm trying to imply firebase cloud messaging to my app and I have tried to add both MainActvity.kt and Application.kt to my project and i didnt have kotlin installed on my project so i downloaded kotlin plugin then restarted my IDE then added the…
3 answers

React Native Push Notifications not appearing in settings

I am new to react native and I am trying to set up push notifications via iOS. I have installed pushNotificationios and followed the instructions given. I have also signed up as an Apple Developer. When I run my app the push notifications don't…
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Add buttons to push notification alert

Is there a way to set up how users see the push notifications alert box? My notifications are appearing without the view / cancel buttons, but i'm receiving others from different apps with those buttons. Is that a setting i should set before sending…
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to enable or disable the notification flutter

I want to enable/disable the notification service with help of a button when this button is enabled, the user receives the notification, and when it's disabled he won't receive any notifications. import 'dart:io'; import…
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Handling iOS and Android Notification Payloads in Flutter using Firebase

I want to be able to handle iOS and Android notifications using Firebase Messaging. I followed a tutorial in which the person received notification payloads in this format on Android: notification:{ title: "title" , body: "body" } } However on iOS…
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Push Notifications getting dropped in iOS randomly

I am working on an iOS application built using React-Native and used OneSignal for PushNotifications. Recently I upgraded to react-native version 0.61.5 and a compatible version of OneSignal SDK (v3.6.4) along with that. However, more often than not…
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PWA notification grouping

I have created a PWA and implemented push notifications. From what I understand notifications can be replaced using tag and behaviour controlled using renotify. Google documentation here. This may be a good way to keep down the amount of displayed…
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Firebase notification won`t sound or vibrate flutter

So I have enabled firebase messaging on my futter app everything works fine but, when I receive the notification in my app it wont sound or vibrate, neither android or ios. I believe FCM does it by default, I also have…
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Receiveing push notifications while in different states

I know this topic has been discussed however i keep seeing conflicting stements and im just getting more and more lost. I just want to know what happens when my app is in the background and it receives a push notification. I know that: While in…
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Firebase google-services.json change no longer receiving push notifications

Originally, I had a working app and receiving push notifications successfully. I reorganized our project in firebase and we've deleted and re-added the app to the console (in the same project). I've redownloaded the google-services.json file and…
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How to send Push notification to iOS WebApp (PWA)?

i have wordpress website and create own PWA based on wordpress. now i want to use push notification on my web app! how can send push notification to my ios users? [resolved in android pwa]
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How to display Android full-screen intent notification using React Native?

How to display time-sensitive notifications with full screen on Android when using React Native and OneSignal? These notifications are ones when a call is received or when an alarm goes off and the app shows a centered full screen notification…
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